Friday, September 19, 2008
20 Thou shalt fear the LORD thy God; him shalt thou serve, and to him shalt thou cleave, and swear by his name. 21 He is thy praise, and he is thy God, that hath done for thee these great and terrible things, which thine eyes have seen. (KJV)
20 Fear the LORD your God and serve him. Hold fast to him and take your oaths in his name. 21 He is your praise; he is your God, who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes. (NIV)
20 You shall [reverently] fear the Lord your God; you shall serve Him and cling to Him, and by His name and presence you shall swear. 21 He is your praise; He is your God, Who has done for you these great and terrible things which your eyes have seen. (Amplified)
You find this scripture after Moses was in Mount Horeb with God receiving the Ten Commandments the second time. Something about these verses caught my attention. I love in verse twenty where it says "to him shalt thou cleave", or as it says in the Amplified, "cling to Him".
I have a picture of me holding on for dear life. I've had those moments in my life. Sometimes that's all we can do is just hold on for dear life. I think I shared once before a quote I read in someone's blog that said "If I didn't need Him so much I would be tempted to turn away." I need Him. I can't make it without Him. Sometimes though, all I can do is just hold on.
The Lord has shown me recently that that's exactly what He wants from me. He doesn't need us trying to fix things. In fact, I have found that is when God has been able to do the most in my life. During those times that I am completely clueless and all I can do is hold on to Him. When we get out of the way and lose ourselves in Him, it is then He is able to perform the greatest things in our lives.
Recently I have had on my heart more than ever the picture of what our relationship with Christ is supposed to be. The word "cleave" in this scripture just reminds me more and more of it. We (the church – Christians) are the bride of Christ. When you think of a marriage you can see such a perfect picture of our relationship with the Lord. When you are first married (or first come to know Christ as your Savior) you are just giddy. Almost annoying to other people. Over time, that excitement and fire begins to die down. You also know that within that marriage there will be good times and bad times. In fact, it's in the vows. It's the same with our relationship with Christ. There will be hard times. There will also be times of overwhelming joy.
Sometimes I find myself so skeptical of marriage because it seems like overwhelmingly most people are not happy in their marriage. That scares the life out of me. I wouldn't want to live that way. Then I see a couple who is happily married. My mother's pastor and his wife have been married over 60 years.
Y'all. That's a long time.
They are amazing because they still genuinely care for each other and still love being with each other. The point is that it wasn't always easy. It takes work. It doesn't just happen.
I think it's probably harder to have a marriage like that than to just give up. I think the reward is worth the extra effort.
Isn't it the same with Christians? I meet Christians all the time that are just tired. They're in that rut. They've lost that fire. They have forgotten that first love.
It bothers me that I'm in that same category so many times. The thing is, though, we don't have to be like that. Our relationship with Christ does not have to be something of misery. It can be great joy every day….even in the hard times.
How we live and approach our relationship with Him does truly matter. I was talking with someone yesterday who put it so well. Jesus is somebody. He has real feelings. He is heartbroken by our unfaithfulness and disobedience. He hurts when we hurt and rejoices when we rejoice.
I always go to great lengths to make sure no one is disappointed in me and that no one is upset with me. There's nothing wrong with making sure you are a liked person, but if you're like me it can create a great deal of unnecessary stress in your life. I have started approaching this subject very similarly to the way I approach dating. If He loves the Lord the way I desire for my future husband to, he will be all the other things that are important in a relationship. (i.e. trustworthy, loving, respectful, etc) In my life, my first priority is to please God. I want my life to be favorable to Him. If I'm living according to His will, everyone around me will still like me and not be disappointed in me, possibly more than before. If they don't like it, they probably aren't someone I want as an influence on me in my close circle of friends.
I will admit though, that I fail Him miserably so many times. My mind is a constant struggle since by nature I am a negative person. I constantly lean on the side of negativity.
Verse twenty-one gives us a little bit of hope and insight on how to fight those negative thoughts off.
I don't know one single person that God hasn't performed a mighty work in their life….even if they don't admit it.
I've seen God do so many wonderful things in my life that I don't even know where to start with the list. The KJV and Amplified uses the word "terrible" but the NIV translates it into awesome. That's a word I only use when something truly just knocks me off my feet.
That verse says He is your praise, He is your God. He is my praise. He's the very reason I have something to be thankful for. He's the only thing in my life that is praiseworthy. Anything else that is great is just a result of His unfailing mercy and grace.
Lord, help me to keep my eyes on you. Help me to remain faithful in my relationship with you. Help me to not be seduced by unfaithful thoughts. Help me to remember that first love. Help me to recall all the joy in my life by thinking only on the good things just as your Word instructs me to do. Help me, Lord, to dwell on the fact that You are always faithful. Thank You for Your sacrifices, Your love, mercy and grace. Thank You. Thank You for understanding that in my weakness all I can do is hold on sometimes. Thank you for reminding me that that's enough…it's what you want me to do. I completely surrender my will and will follow You and Your desires for my life.
A merry heart does good like medicine.
The news of Ray Boltz has spread pretty quickly and I won't really get into those details but I had lunch with T and K on Tuesday and one of them said the funniest thing I have heard in a long time.
T: "Did you hear about Ray Boltz?"
Me: "Yes. I can't believe that."
K: "Ray Boltz? Is he the one that sang the song about the squirrel?"
Me: "No. That would be Ray Stevens."
Y'all. I laughed at that for the rest of the day. She will probably kill me for posting this, but I couldn't stand it any longer. It was definitely one of those moments worth sharing.
Poor K. The sad thing is that she was the Valedictorian of her class.
What was funny the rest of the day?
Well, I don't know that anyone else would find it humorous, but I thought it was funny.
A door was opened for me to have a spiritual conversation with someone in my office that is currently not in church and that is doing some searching in her life. We were talking about heaven and hell and the realities of them both, which she is very aware of. Somehow, we began discussing how a church here in town does Judgment House and I told her it would be a neat thing to take her 12 year old son to and she would probably enjoy it too.
Someone who is involved with that works in my office and in the process of this whole thing, I have been recruited to be in it this year, which is pretty cool. I asked her if they were using the guy that played Jesus the first year I went. I don't know what Jesus looks like, but this guy looked like him. He was just awesome! He truly gave me a very small taste of what it would be like the first time we see Jesus face to face. I left there bawling. It's still something that is forever etched in my heart.
Since there have been 3 men playing the part since I've been attending we were just confusing each other. As it would turn out though, one of them is single and she offered to fix me up with him.
I respectfully declined.
Can you imagine dating Jesus? Or even more, marrying Jesus? How do you argue with Jesus? You couldn't even use the line "What would Jesus do?" (Well, honey, I'll tell you what I would do.)
In no time half the office was in this with one-liners that were so funny my stomach was hurting by the time my break ended.
The newest joke around my office now is that if they can't even get me to date Jesus, they're never going to find anyone good enough.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Don't Mess With Me
To give you a little background, last week my cousin Tabitha sent me a message telling me that things were great in her life and she had a new boyfriend. Being the older cousin, I replied back and asked who gave her permission to have a boyfriend. Being younger and quicker on her feet than I, she replied "Who told you that you couldn't have one?"
I may have had some diet coke exit the mouth when I read it. Oh yes, it was funny. Especially when you know how much my family talks about my being single. If I ever get married, they'll have nothing to talk about. See, I'm keeping the conversations going.
Anyway, I saw the sweet little cousin on Sunday and I told her I'd get her back. She and her brother, along with a couple other friends went four wheeler riding and I told the guy she rode with to feel free to rough her up a little.
I am not telling anything that she hasn't given me permission to tell, but y'all.
I couldn't believe it.
So, the story goes that she needed to use the bathroom. Obviously there aren't any Texaco stations at the creek or in the middle of the woods and so she didn't something I would never dream of doing.
Oh yes ma'am. She did.
Right there in the open, she assumed the position. While in this compromising position, she must have lost her balance and decided the best thing to grab was the muffler. Again....oh yes ma'am. She did.
She came home with a burnt hand and probably some sand in some unpleasant areas.
So the moral of the story is, don't mess with me.
And the other moral is, don't squat outside behind a four wheeler, lose your balance and grab a muffler.
And the third moral is it's tough being a woman. This kind of thing never happens to men.
Thanks for the laugh Tab!
Friday, August 29, 2008
A Title Eludes Me at the Moment
To give you a little background on her, Mandy and I had been her teachers the year before and God graciously allowed us to be there to witness her acceptance of Jesus as her personal Savior. Before she finally surrendered, she shared several things with us that were going on in her life. Every single thing she shared either Mandy or I had been through. We were able to use those painful things of the past to lead someone to Jesus.
This past VBS every night she was not just singing during the worship rally, she was in the aisle. She didn't care what her peers thought, she didn't care what anyone thought. She was just worshipping. She will probably never know what a blessing she was to me during that week. She will probably never know the lesson God taught me through her.
This morning as I was getting ready I looked down at my blue bracelet (remember the visual reminder from my "Believing God" study) and just for some reason began asking for more boldness. Every time I look at this bracelet, I begin to pray. This morning's prayer kind of scared the heck out of me. No one who knows me would use the words "timid" or "shy" to describe me. The truth is though, in certain situations, I am. I don't remember always being like this though.
This Sunday we will have a 5th Sunday Night Singing. I'm nervous. I'm always nervous. I'm nervous every single Sunday when I get up in front of the church to lead music. I wasn't always nervous though. Mom and I have traveled to countless places to sing and every single time I got up there like it was second nature. Like I was riding a bike. Why is it so hard for me now?
I believe over time we lose our childlike innocence. When Mom and I were singing, I was a teenager. I hadn't gone through so many of the things I have now. Life was good. I had nothing to be worried about. I wasn't concerned what other poeple in the church were thinking about me. Over time we become hardened. I've faced a lot. People know some of what has happened. I also know people. I know their thoughts.
It has also been very difficult for me over the last year since I became a Music Minister to deal with some of what has come along with it. I feel like people look at me as old enough to criticize, but too young to take very seriously. Maybe it's just my own insecurities and self doubt that makes me think these things.
I want to be like Holly. I want to be bold. I want to be like I once was. I don't want to worry about who is going to say what. I want to just stand before God in total awe and worship Him for all He is to me.
There is a song that has a line in it that says "I want to get so close to Him that it's no big change on the day that Jesus calls my name." You know that is possible. I want that. God is going to help me with my boldness. I'm not going to continue allowing a fear of what others think to keep me from worshipping God. Fear will no longer cripple me.
Though no one joins me, still I will follow. Though no one joins me, still I will follow. Though no one joins me, still I will follow. No turning back. No turning back.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Believing God
I'm just beginning the Bible study "Believing God" by Beth Moore. I'm so excited!
I'm already using the things that I've read in the very beginning and you wouldn't believe the way God has already helped me to transform my thoughts and the way I'm handling things. A challenge is presented to not only believe in God, but to believe God. Yes, this may even cause you to appear to be a little radical to some, but who cares? I loved a particluar part in the book that Beth says so many people have told her she was too radical and demonstrative. She replies to them with this: "Beloved, I was once the most bound-up, defeated believer you've ever met, and now I'm a walking miracle experiencing the power of God. With all due respect, how's life going for you?" I LOVE THAT!!
In the next 9 weeks I plan to see a change in my relationship with God. I plan on my thoughts centering on believing Him and all He is and all He says He'll do. I love the pledge in this book that says:
God is who He says He is.
God can do what He says He can do.
I am who God says I am.
I can do all things through Christ.
God's Word is alive and active in me.
Isn't that exciting?!?
I have my blue bracelet on already for my visual reminder. Why a blue bracelet? Well, just read Numbers 15:37-41 and the blue reminder will be made clear. Everytime I'm tempted to allow my faith to be weakend by the lies of Satan, I will look at my bracelet and remember that God is who He says He is. God can do what He says He can do. I am who God says I am. I can do all things through Christ. God's Word is alive and active in me. I'm believing God!

Beth also encourages those participating in this Bible study to keep a journal of all the "little things" God is evident in that we so often overlook while waiting on something big to happen.
I mentioned that I will be doing this for 9 weeks. I desire your prayers as I have chosen to surrender a couple of really big things in my life to put more of my focus on Him....where it belongs.
Ruin his day!
So many times we're focused on how we can obtain freedom from the negative in our own lives. When we keep the bad bottled up in us instead of deciding to use it for His glory, healing can never happen in our lives.
I experienced a deep, dark depression over several circumstances in my own life a couple years ago. So many things were going on and had happened to me. I can remember being at a point that I felt there was nothing left for me to give to God, my family, friends or my church. My prayer life consisted of prayers like this every single night: "Lord, I have nothing left. Just please don't let me wake up tomorrow. I'm tired of feeling this way. I'm tired of not knowing what to do."
God did perform a healing in my life through a very deep study of His Word. I surrendered to just making Him and my relationship with Him my top priority.
As God has healed me in a way that I really had started to doubt would ever happen, He has shown me that a complete healing does not occur until you turn around and use the very thing that was a stronghold in our lives to lift someone else up. Huh? You mean I have to share what I went through? What will people think? I'm supposed to have it all together. I'm not supposed to be the person with these feelings. I heard Beth Moore teaching once and she used a line that I just loved. "We need to adopt a new philosophy called 'cut the bull'."
Stop trying to be perfect and just be real. Read Isaiah 58 and you'll see that if you help people in need and pour out your life for those in need of what you have to give and then your healing will come. I'm always amazed how God can make things come full circle. God diffuses the negative situations in our life and then uses them to bring glory to Him and to help others in their own healing. That's when we can experience full redemption.
Things aren't complete until we allow God to use these things for His glory. That ruins the devil's day! The very thing he used for our destruction and to tear us down, we can now use for the properity of people to grow in their relationship with Christ.
No matter what kind of ditch we've rolled around in or what kind of pit we've been in, we can be whole again. Stop trying to hide your experience in the ditch and use it to help someone else.
Reach beyond yourself and touch someone in need. Lose yourself in His purpose.
Go on, do it! It'll ruin the devil's day!
How many more days until summer vacation?
Well, Madyson has officially been in school exactly one week. While I understand that it is the general consensus that kids hate school, I think Madyson has them all beat. School is definitely cramping her style in more ways than one.
First of all, we have a clothing issue. In the past I always kind of laughed at my friend Crissy because her little girl, Halee, gives her grief about clothing. I always said "We don't have clothing issues because what we say to wear is what she wears." Well that was before the days of uniforms. See, I thought I had trained my little princess so well. She has lived a life of smocked dresses, cute gymboree outfits and PINK. Well, see uniforms are green, white or khaki. She, much like her aunt, would rather you pull her toenails out one by one with nothing for pain than wear those tacky things. Every morning we are faced with the agonizing cries of a fashionable 5 year old asking why she must wear that? When we were shopping for school clothes she asked why she couldn't have something pink. Be still my heart. My efforts had prevailed. She likes girly things. Woo hoo! I can't blame her for the fits she throws each morning. I only hope for the sake of her two sleeping brothers she realizes that there is nothing she can do but wear the uniform. I secretly cheer her on though. I hope she never stops liking the wild, bright prints from Gymboree and the cute girly things in which she has grown accustomed. I am taking her shopping tomorrow to reward her for finally behaving well in school, which leads to the next problem.
As I have said before, she is so stubborn. (When I figure out where it came from, I'll let you know.) Her teacher told mom the first day that she definitely had her own way of doing things. Luckily she has the same kindergarten teacher I had and that will not work in that class. She is learning how to deal with her stubborn streak and how to deal with not always getting her way. She's come a long way in just a week. She's growing up. No more tantrums to get her way. (Except for clothes) I'm proud of her efforts. I can't wait to see how she continues to improve. Each day her teacher says she's doing better and better.
The last thing is something I've feared all along. I think she may be bored. She's known her colors, how to count, her shapes, her alphabet and how to spell her name since she was two. She's an over achiever. It's in her blood I think. What else do they even learn in kindergarten?
The year should be interesting if nothing else. At least we don't have to worry about her becoming an inmate when she's older. The thought of dressing in ugly prison garbs alone is enough to make her walk a straight line and do right.
Don't Look Back
On Sunday morning as my pastor was preaching from Luke 18, I looked over and saw Luke 17:32, "Remember Lot's wife." I made myself a note to go back to that verse because something told me that there was something there for me.
We all know the story of Lot's wife. We know how God spared Lot and his family from the destruction in Sodom and Gomorrah. We know how they were instructed not to look back and yet, she did. The last several years have been such a struggle for me. I've been tempted to look back a whole lot. And you know what? I have several times. If this is an area you struggle in, take it from me. Don't look back. There's nothing good that can come from it. I don't think you'll turn into salt or anything, but I'm sure the results still won't be of any help to you. We read stories in the Bible of people who looked back such as Lot's wife and the children of Israel and we judge them. We look at their previous circumstances and think "Why would they want to go back to that?" The truth is: We're no different. The only difference is that we know their whole story and we don't know all the details of the end of ours. We're still serving the same God though and He's promised us good. He won't lead us into anything that isn't for our good. Why can't we just trust and not look back. Why do we hold on to those things that weigh us down? Holding on to old things holds you back. Let go of the past! Keep pressing on!
Hardships will come. Tests will happen. I think of Job. I can honestly say I, nor anyone I know, has ever suffered like Job. In the story of Job, I would probably be playing the part of his wife. (You know...just curse God and die) Job reminded her that we cannot have all good and expect to never endure hardships. How easy would it have been for Job to just wallow in all he had been through and to bring it up every chance he could get? And yet he didn't. I read once that consistent faith is the way to defeat Satan. Job didn't look back...he pressed on.
A verse that has been so much of a blessing and yet so convicting to me is Philippians 4:8. "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." I think Job had that verse conquered before it was even penned.
Don't look back to your past of slavery. When you're tired of wandering in the wilderness and weary of the uncertainty of where God is leading, be assured that He will lead to a place better than you can imagine. It's up to us to fully surrender and say we're not dwelling in the slavery of our past but instead we will choose to dwell in His presence. Psalm 16:11 says "Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore."
I choose to dwell in His presence.
Last Wednesday was Madyson't first day of school. WOW! That doesn't even seem possible. Wasn't she born yesterday? Wasn't it just a couple months ago I couldn't hardly wait to be an aunt and see her for the first time. I was so excited to have a niece. I couldn't help but think that I'd have a baby doll to play with and dress up. Boy, she proved me wrong. She hated to be changed, touched or just bothered in any way. If she wanted someone to do something, she'd let them know. Otherwise, just leave her alone.
I don't know anyone like that.
She has been one surprise after another along the way. There have been times I could just pinch her little head off, but I think my mom may have been on to something when she pointed out that the very things I am most annoyed with in Madyson are the very same qualities that make her so much like me. I hate being hit with realities like that. She is stubborn and the biggest know-it-all you've ever seen and guess what? So am I.
Lord, help me to realize what a stumbling block these traits are and help me to overcome them in Your name to be an example to my precious niece.
As I watched her step on the bus step for the first time, my heart sank. Was she ready? Had we taught her everything she needed to know? Would she make friends? Would the other kids like her? Would she be scared? Would she feel abandoned after a lifetime of being sheltered only to be dropped off with complete strangers? Would she be able to open her juice without help? I know I'm not her mother, but I feel like it sometimes. She and her brothers are probably the only children I'll ever have and I've invested a lot in them emotionally. As I took my shower that morning I realized that it was truly something I had to completely surrender to God and trust that we had all done what was right in the way we had influenced her.
Lord, protect my precious niece. Help her make good choices and be obedient. Help her to share Your love with others as she's been taught to do.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Going....Going....Not Gone Yet!
Our office is remodeling and the paint fumes got to me after a few days, so I've been sick for the last 9 days. That's right. No voice. For someone who likes to talk as much as I do, it has been pure torture.
I must say though, that I work for a great company because they gave me paid administrative leave and I didn't have to use any sick days. I thought that was pretty great of them.
Of course, since I couldn't talk, singing was out of the question. That meant I didn't get to sing in the cantata on Easter morning, but Crissy stepped in and sang my song for me. Thank the Lord for someone who is able to do that on a short notice.
I was very pleased with the outcome of the cantata. I have to say I think it was one of the best that the choir has done. Yay choir!!
This Sunday night we are doing a Homecoming Style singing. I think it will be fun and give them a time to relax and enjoy what they're singing without any pressure.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
He Said It!!!!!
Tuesday was the day though that Pal pulled ahead in the running for favorite child. Second word I've heard him say....Nunni. That's right. He said my name. He of course got the special treatment of the day yesterday.
On another note: Our office is being painted. Which means I am almost as high as I have been the last three days from the cold medication. Now if the two were combined, well, I may very well be arrested for driving under the influence or something.
The fumes combined with no sleep (which has nothing to do with the little imp who slept with me last night) have taken their toll on me. I'm thinking that I could just lay in the floor behind my desk and take a nap. Upon being questioned I could blame it on the fumes.
This whole thing could work to my advantage after all.
Oh, even BIGGER NEWS: I got a mention on BooMama's blog yesterday! This could very well be even bigger than Pal saying my name. (It's not like he wouldn't have said it eventually anyway) Now, it's no secret that I'm slightly obsessed with BooMama and BigMama and I just know that we're going to be best friends one day because they're my long lost sisters and all, but it did thrill me. Who needs celebrities? Big and Boo entertain me more than anyone from Hollywood ever could.
Monday, March 10, 2008
The Nature "Walk"
Being the nice aunt I am though, I decided to take the little anklebiters on a nature walk. Now before you judge me because of the pictures, I realize there was no walking involved. It just sounds better to say nature walk.
I might also add that while they have four-wheelers to take the big hill in front of our house, I was riding a bicycle up and down that heel. No help from anything motorized. Which I just think is sinful.

Brother started out on his four-wheeler, but then decided to ride the golf cart with me. Because we all know how exhausting keeping your foot on the gas can be. This is further proof that I think he really is my child. Why drive yourself when someone else can?
Of course, as long as I was taking pictures of them, they felt they should take one of me.
Notice the pearl earrings. Because who doesn't wear pearls on a nature walk?
I called Bryan and told him to have the choir practice the Easter cantata, but it seems they didn't. That's okay because they'll remember next week's practice. Since they skipped this week, they can just practice for 2 hours next week. Those bums.
Actually, I'm kind of shocked they didn't hold an emergency meeting and get rid of me while I wasn't there and they had the chance.
Oh well. They had their chance.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Hospitals, Babies and Chickens
Because that's how I parent.
Anyway, when Brenda Blue woke up she questioned Brother's absence which led to a conversation that went something like this.
"Where's Brother?"
"Mommy took him to the doctor."
"Oh, no. Nunni, if he goes to the doctor, he'll come back with a baby."
Now question my parental abilities if you must, but I do know it's not appropriate to laugh in their little faces. So, I turned around to laugh. Then I told her that there would be no more babies.
This, my friends, is what your children start to think if you have 3 kids within 5 years. Hospital = Baby.
Notice that we also teach concern and compassion at our house because she cared not that the poor boy was sick. Her only concern was that there would be another child to compete with for attention.
I am somehow convinced that Brother's sickness is related to the incident with the chickens last night.
He and my mother had a conversation like this last night.
Brother: "Those are guns. (pointing to the locked gun cabinet on the wall of my dad's shop) They go pow-pow. Give me one of those guns."
Mother: "No. What do you think you need a gun for."
Brother: "To shoot that chicken." (pronounced sh-icken)
Mother: "Why would you shoot a chicken"
Brother: "He bit me!"
So Brother must have something similar to bird flu from the chicken bite he suffered.
Please before you email me lecturing on guns and children. Don't. I'm not a fan of children knowing what guns are or volunteering to shoot biting chickens, but what can I do. I'm not his mother to prevent this type of knowledge and even then, they're going to know what guns are. He's a little boy.
Let me enjoy the funny story that it was.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Rednecks, Country Music, Prayer and the Vagina Monologues
Okay, so I wrote on Friday that I was going to see Alan Jackson on Saturday night. The adventure began at 3:00 when I picked Kerrie up and we headed out. We stopped and ate and headed for the Foley Beach Express. Now this would be a good time to tell you that we both have a great fear of bridges. As we pulled up to the toll there was no turning back or changing our minds...we had to cross.
Now before you judge me for having a strange phobia, just try to see my reasoning. I have no control over a bridge collapsing while I'm driving over a large body of water that I will fall into and drown because I can't swim.
While we were both upset, I must admit I think we both prayed more during those moments that either of us had ever heard the other pray.
Bryan would be so proud.
See, the trip wasn't for naught.
After our brush with death, we pulled into the wharf and parked among hundreds of pick-up trucks. It was that moment I realized we should have borrowed a truck from someone instead of driving my car.
This would be a mistake that would cause a delay in finding the car after the concert because well, a Chrysler 300 is a whole lot lower to the ground that a truck and it kind of got lost in the parking lot.
We walked down Main Street of the Wharf which contains numerous stores and a ferris wheel. I'm not sure why I was so intrigued by this, but I was. I just can't figure out why there was a ferris wheel in the middle of stores, a theater, restaurants and the amphitheater.
I would be relieved the next day to find out that my brother was equally intrigued by the idea. It's genetic.
A few minutes later we found ourselves on a pier leading to the amphitheater. Yes, in case you're wondering I'm a little nervous about piers too. Especially when that many people are on them.
I knew I was out of my element, but would be entertained all night as I looked around and saw the people I was standing near. There was a large man in overalls, no shirt and one side so stylishly left to flop and possible fling across anyone who dared get close enough to him. There were also more cowboy hats than I had ever seen in my life and well, the speech. I couldn't help but stand there and pray that I don't sound like these people when I speak.
See, more prayer.
We had to go through a check, which is all fine and well. However the guy frisked me in such a way I felt he should have bought me dinner or something. Finding out the next day that my brother and sister-in-law were not patted down made me feel even more violated by this experience.
After we sat down, well that's when the fun began. We sat with a guy I work with, Ronnie and his wife, whom I also graduated with, Rebekah.
Ronnie should have been paid for all the people he directed to their seats. I became very amused by the vast number of people who came to him as if he was who they were supposed to ask. He told me that no one was asking me because they were probably convinced I was already drunk since I was laughing so much.
It's an amphitheater filled with 10,000 rednecks. How can I not laugh?
I was a little surprised at the amount of alcohol being consumed and it was then I realized I should have bought stock in beer. After the humor of it all disappeared, I realized these people will be driving. I'll be on the road too.
We decided before it started we would leave before it ended.
Because I live dangerously.
I must admit I sat there with a fear that something would be spilled on me since most of the people in attendance were well lit before it even began. I felt a since of relief and comfort when about 5 little grandmas sat behind us and they were so feeble I was concerned they would never make it up the two steps with their walking canes.
Here's where the fun began. It all started when one of them had breast cancer. That was followed by an irregular pap smear, being put in the stirrups and all the details of her va-jay-jay, a complete hysterectomy, the removal of her ovaries, and finally that all being a mistake because the real problem was found during her colonoscopy. It's safe to say that she paid that doctor's mortgage for that whole year.
Please don't think me disrespectful towards this lady. What an awful year that must have been, but let me just say that if I want to hear something like that I would have bought tickets to attend The Vagina Monologues.
Let this be your lesson in etiquette for today. Don't talk about that stuff in public where people other than the person you are telling this to can hear you. I'm not sure I would want to hear the details she shared from someone I know very well, and I certainly didn't want to hear them from a stranger.
Still, we were comforted that nothing would be spilt on us. That was until Maw-Maw with the walking stick came back from the concession with two beers as tall as she was and nearly spilt her's on Kerrie trying to open it with her feeble hands. I nearly died laughing at the thought of these grandmas drinking. My mind went to my little Pentecostal Gran-Gran with her hair in a bun on top of her head and what she would think of this scene I was beholding.
Better still than the grandmas behind us were the loud drunks sitting beside Ronnie. One guy (according to Ronnie's count) consumed 8 beers in the time he was sitting there. I think it's important to add that he did not sit there over and hour and a half.
There were other amusing things like people dancing and security making them take their seats and the fights that followed that.
The moment that stole the show was the man and woman and their two small children who couldn't find their seats and they chose the area right in front of us to have their showdown. Now, this was the moment I took Ronnie's advice and didn't laugh out loud or make any eye contact because he was the type to fight you or kill you for that sort of thing.
She was half way up and he was beside Kerrie shouting obscenities that if a man ever shouted at me I assure you he would find himself on his hands and knees picking his teeth up off the ground. The whole scene was this that the woman had both kids and he had the video camera, which I have a feeling was probably a no-no anyway. After he made it through the gate, he decided he no longer needed his tickets for silly things like finding his seet and threw them away.
Yes, he did.
So, somehow this was his wife's fault and cursing here in front of a couple hundred people would solve the problem and make it all better.
No, this wasn't funny to me, but more annoying. Anyone who knows me knows that I dislike stupidity and for one spouse to disrespect another. I was deeply disturbed and troubled by this guy.
More praying. He definitely needed it. He had some deep issues that he was obviously dealing with in other ways than with the ways of God.
The ride home was terrifying because we saw about 50 deer on one stretch of the highway. I'm not exaggerating either. That was a scary time for me since I had just hit a deer back in October.
More praying.
You may notice that I haven't commented on the concert yet. Well, let me say this. Jake Owens opened and was pretty good. I found him more entertaining than Alan Jackson actually. I may have enjoyed the concert a little more if we could have seen the stage. See, we had really good, but really bad seats. They were pretty close, but there was a tent type thing set up over the sound stuff and it kind of blocked our view of the whole stage.
That's okay though because I got my money's worth out of watching the people.
It was a different experience for me. Please don't think I'm being judgemental of these people. I'm not. I'm intrigued and just baffled. I've never been to anything like this. It was my first secular concert. I would go back though. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in all my life.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Still Singing
I'm feeling better about the Easter cantata as the weeks go by. We're doing "Lion of Judah, Calvary's Lamb" by none other than Travis Cottrell. (wild applause) I love the songs in it but they've somewhat kicked my behind since this is the first actual cantata I've done all alone. I had help at Christmas. After only about 10 meltdowns and four weeks until Easter, I think I'm doing well.
Some ladies from our church are attending an Extraordinary Women's Conferance in April. I'm so excited because two of my favorite people will be there...Chonda Pierce and Mandisa. Oh yes, that's right I'm finally going to get to see Mandisa in person. Don't worry, I'll give a full account of this blessed event after it's over.
On other musical notes, not church related I might add, I'm going to see Alan Jackson tomorrow night. I'm not sure what kind of reaction this will cause, but it's actually my first secular concert. It's not that I don't care for secular music, I've just been involved in a music ministry since I was 13 and all my time has been devoted to that. But last month my boss bought us tickets and so I'm going. It should be interesting. Lucky Kerrie, she gets to experience my first concert with me. I'll be sure to give a full account on Monday.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
He Just Had To Go There
I understand that Sunday night was plagued by the flu, bad weather and travel for others. Sunday night's attendance didn't irritate me so much as the last two months of low attendance that did.
Our choir has apparantly not gotten adjusted to me and the fact that I want to learn at least one new song each week or at the very least pull something we haven't done in a long time. For so long they sang the same three or four tired songs and well, frankly, I was sick of it.
So since the low attendance from Sunday I've just tried to overcome the fact that I was upset and not be offended, but the truth is, I was. I just dealt with emotions all week that ranged from self-doubt to anger. I had resolved by Tuesday night to drop it and move on. In a moment of anger I declared "Fine. They want to sing the same songs over and over. Fine. We'll sing Standing on the Solid Rock and Somebody Loves Me Sunday. Fine. They don't care. I don't either. That's just FINE!"
Last night as I was working on the children's music and I had gotten over my anger Bryan (the pastor) asked me what the choir was singing Sunday since we obviously hadn't been able to practice anything for Sunday. Before I could answer he said, "Well, I've pulled some songs that the choir is familiar enough with to not have to practice."
Yep, that's right. Sitting there was "Somebody Loves Me" and "Standing On the Solid Rock". Now, there just aren't any appropriate words for me to express how angry seeing those songs made me. I felt like recreating the scene from Troop Beverly Hills where Shelly Long throws her husbands clothes out the window and the guy blowing the leaves just continues to blow them in a pile. If only we would have had a leaf blower and an open window in Bryan's office, those songs would have bit the dust.
Can't you just imagine the blessings that will be received from those songs on Sunday? No doubt everyone in the congregation will be blessed by the attitude with which I will lead the choir while presenting these songs for worship. I can just feel the Spirit descending now can't you?
Yes, I'm back to praying for deliverance and forgiveness.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
No Regrets....
Instead I spent the afternoon with this guy.

And this guy.

And this girl.

I realized last week just how fast they do grow. It seems like yesterday that Madyson was born. I still remember every single detail of her birth and she's starting school in August! It's just too much to deal with. I had a bit of a depressing afternoon on Friday because it dawned on me that in a few months we would be taking her on the trip to go shopping for school clothes. Not only is Madyson 5, but Luke is 3 and Ben is already 6 months. I have resolved that the dust bunnies can wait, the floor doesn't have to be mopped daily and if the clothes aren't folded, who cares? Those things will still be there in just a short while when all three are catching the bus and suddenly there is no one home during the day and they will all be busy doing homework or talking on the phone with their friends in the afternoons when I get home from work. Right now, I'm one of their best friends and they choose to play with and talk to me and I like that.
Luke and I watched cartoons last night while he ate chocolate ice cream. I told him Thomas was coming on next and since it didn't come on as quickly as he felt it should have he looked at me and asked "Is this a joke?" HA HA HA! I don't know what made that so funny but it was. I think Luke is the funniest kid in the world anyway.
We also have discovered the most fun thing in the house to play with.

Apparantly the thought of a clothespin pinching your little fingers or toes will induce shrieks for as long as you have the energy to chase them with it, which isn't a long chase for me.
I know, I'm a sick, twisted adult to do such things to little children but they love it.
Spend the afternoon with your kids...they won't be little forever.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Hymns - The Way We'd Sing Them If We Were Honest
Jobs I'm Not Qualified For
Tomorrow will be a day for the record books. We're having a children's activity day at church and I'll be helping with that. Again, I'm not sure how I end up in the middle of activity days for children since I don't have any of my own, but I'll be there. We're eating spaghetti for dinner (which all moms know is the cleanest meal you can give children) and then letting them watch a movie. I may not have children of my own, but I do know the messes they create so I've already removed the song books and the cushions from the pews and place plastic tableclothes under them. However, I know that it was a law defying action since we know that somewhere in this large sea of plastic tableclothes, there will be a small crack that one child's soda will find to seep through and ruin the carpet causing a hurried organization of a committee to decide what we should do about the stain. Don't you just love Baptists? And don't Baptists just love committees? After all, it was a committe who planned this whole blessed event.
The little one (a.k.a. Pal) has an eye infection. Now, I'm not sure how this is possible, but it happens to be the most disgusting thing I've ever seen but I still can't keep my hands off of him. This morning he greeted me with that huge smile with the two little teeth on bottom and I had to pick him up. It's really the saddest thing I've seen. The infection is extremely contagious and you have to keep your hands washed when you've been around him, but he's worth the extra effort. The middle one (a.k.a Brother) can't seem to keep his hands off of Pal's face on a normal day so it's been especially difficult keeping him away from the eye so we don't have two little nasty eyed children running around our house. It's amazing because you realize how much you love them when they are going through something like that. I'd take the infection for him. Poor little guy.
I'm just glad he's been cooperative enough to let me wipe it clean so far which has not been the case for everyone else. I'm so not into the whole holding kids down for things. Oh, my heart just aches when a child has to be held down for something. That probably stems from the times when my family wrapped me up in a sheet and held me down to pull my teeth. Yes, I know how horrible that sounds, but you should have been the one in the sheet! I still think there are some serious issues in my life that have been a result of that injustice.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
I have for some time now been addicted to diet coke. It's my poison of choice. I know all the bad things people say about it and I'll try to cut back but when I experience a headache that makes my eyes feel like they may at any moment pop out of my head, I give in to the beast and drink one. I guess it's true that the three most addictive things are cocaine, niccotine and caffeine. So in my effort to not completely kick the habit, but cut back to help my diet and to lose a little weight, I set off on a search for a tasty and healthy drink. I am now a full blown addict of FUZE. Now I don't know if you've experienced this liquid wonder, but let me tell you it's just heaven in a bottle. Here's the best part...if you buy the slenderize ones, there's just 10 calories and only 1 carb, and NO sugar! Can you believe it? I just know next week I'll probably start growing some enormous mass on the side of my head or something because if something seems to good to be true, it is. So until then I'll just keep drinking them.
To continue my list of addictions, let's talk about ebay. Listen, I thought I had finally kicked the habit after a much too long list of things I had bought. Mostly clothes for Madyson. (Which is an entirely other addiction within itself) Well, I blame the children's clothing industry. It is nearly impossible to find cute clothes that are age appropriate for my 5 year old niece so I'm back on ebay....again. There's just something exhilerating about winning an auction and paying more for the item of clothing than if I had purchased it a store....but I WON! That's all that matters right? And then I pay a rediculously high amount for shipping only to receive it and wonder what the heck was I thinking paying that kind of money for something that she'll wear only once. Of course I never pay the kind of money for my own clothes that I spend on hers because she won't outgrow her's in six months and I will. Here's a few pictures of today's loot.

Thursday, February 7, 2008
Chocolate and Baseball
I've said for quite some time that I do not need children of my own and this morning was certainly proof of that. When Madyson woke up, and like every other morning curled up under a blanket on the couch, she looked up at me and asked "Nunni, do you like baseball?" I told her I did and she said, "Well, I dreamed about you and baseball last night." I don't know why that struck me as funny, but it did. I left her there to further rot her brain on such nonsense as "The Wiggles" and "Higglytown Heroes" while I dressed for work. After the third trip to respond to her shouts to me I informed her not to call my name again unless she was bleeding or on fire. I guess it was a matter of life and death when she called me again to tell me "Mulan" is coming on t.v. tonight. Guess what I'm doing tonight?
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
I Prayed For A Sign...
Well, the first one says to cover any scrapes or cuts with a band aid and recommends that you not shave before going to the gym. Well, as if getting a date isn't hard enough for an irresistable Christian girl like myself, why don't I just show up to the gym looking like cousin it. Yes, the sight of me in work out clothes should be enough to send even the most desperate man running for his life, but add to that the fact that I've not shaved in a couple of days....well, let's just say I won't be plagued with the awful decision of just what restaurant I'm in the mood to eat at.
Number 3 recommends you clean the equipment before and after use. The thought of cleaning the equipment before and AFTER I use it just made me laugh out loud. I mean come on. I clean enough at home and call me mean or whatever, I'm just not going to clean the equipment for someone else when I'm done. I brought my rag and lysol in there and they can do the same.
Numbers 2, 4 and 5 are just plain nasty and disturbing in so many ways I won't even go into them.
The last one...well, just refer to the above mentioned appearance in work out clothes. Do you think I'm going to walk around with nothing on?
I've just concluded that there are too many risks and at the young age of 23 I just can't risk my health. Please spread the word....the gym will kill you. I've said it all along people.
Super Tuesday
On to other earth shattering events. What's up with temperatures in the 70s? It's February! That's it. I'm moving to North Dakota.
Okay, so anyone who knows me knows that I have just become the biggest Travis Cottrell fan since becoming the music minister. (That's right, not a music minster, but the music minster...HA HA) Anyway, through reading his blog I found the hilarious pod cast that is the Big Boo Cast. Can I just say that these two need their own show? I want to be on the Big Boo Cast. I'm having flash backs to junior high when you see the little click that you want to be a part of. I want to be a part of the insanity that is BigMama and BooMama. You ladies rock!