
Monday, March 10, 2008

The Nature "Walk"

So, it's no secret that I'm not an outside person. At all. Ever.

Being the nice aunt I am though, I decided to take the little anklebiters on a nature walk. Now before you judge me because of the pictures, I realize there was no walking involved. It just sounds better to say nature walk.

I might also add that while they have four-wheelers to take the big hill in front of our house, I was riding a bicycle up and down that heel. No help from anything motorized. Which I just think is sinful.

This kind of gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "wind blown" doesn't it?

Brother started out on his four-wheeler, but then decided to ride the golf cart with me. Because we all know how exhausting keeping your foot on the gas can be. This is further proof that I think he really is my child. Why drive yourself when someone else can?

Notice the lovely color of their teeth. Because you can't get those results from Crest Whitestrips. No sir. That's a shade only squeeze-its can provide.

Of course, as long as I was taking pictures of them, they felt they should take one of me.

Notice the pearl earrings. Because who doesn't wear pearls on a nature walk?

On another fun note, I think I've come down with something. I left church after the song service yesterday. My plan was to go home, take something, take a nap and then be back that night. It didn't happen. I had a fever and my mother wouldn't let me leave the house. So, instead I just laid in the recliner.

I called Bryan and told him to have the choir practice the Easter cantata, but it seems they didn't. That's okay because they'll remember next week's practice. Since they skipped this week, they can just practice for 2 hours next week. Those bums.

Actually, I'm kind of shocked they didn't hold an emergency meeting and get rid of me while I wasn't there and they had the chance.

Oh well. They had their chance.

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