I have for some time now been addicted to diet coke. It's my poison of choice. I know all the bad things people say about it and I'll try to cut back but when I experience a headache that makes my eyes feel like they may at any moment pop out of my head, I give in to the beast and drink one. I guess it's true that the three most addictive things are cocaine, niccotine and caffeine. So in my effort to not completely kick the habit, but cut back to help my diet and to lose a little weight, I set off on a search for a tasty and healthy drink. I am now a full blown addict of FUZE. Now I don't know if you've experienced this liquid wonder, but let me tell you it's just heaven in a bottle. Here's the best part...if you buy the slenderize ones, there's just 10 calories and only 1 carb, and NO sugar! Can you believe it? I just know next week I'll probably start growing some enormous mass on the side of my head or something because if something seems to good to be true, it is. So until then I'll just keep drinking them.
To continue my list of addictions, let's talk about ebay. Listen, I thought I had finally kicked the habit after a much too long list of things I had bought. Mostly clothes for Madyson. (Which is an entirely other addiction within itself) Well, I blame the children's clothing industry. It is nearly impossible to find cute clothes that are age appropriate for my 5 year old niece so I'm back on ebay....again. There's just something exhilerating about winning an auction and paying more for the item of clothing than if I had purchased it a store....but I WON! That's all that matters right? And then I pay a rediculously high amount for shipping only to receive it and wonder what the heck was I thinking paying that kind of money for something that she'll wear only once. Of course I never pay the kind of money for my own clothes that I spend on hers because she won't outgrow her's in six months and I will. Here's a few pictures of today's loot.

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