
Friday, September 19, 2008

A merry heart does good like medicine.

Tuesday was a much needed day of laughter for me. It seemed like all day long there was something to make me laugh. God always knows when you need those days.

The news of Ray Boltz has spread pretty quickly and I won't really get into those details but I had lunch with T and K on Tuesday and one of them said the funniest thing I have heard in a long time.

T: "Did you hear about Ray Boltz?"

Me: "Yes. I can't believe that."

K: "Ray Boltz? Is he the one that sang the song about the squirrel?"

Me: "No. That would be Ray Stevens."

Y'all. I laughed at that for the rest of the day. She will probably kill me for posting this, but I couldn't stand it any longer. It was definitely one of those moments worth sharing.

Poor K. The sad thing is that she was the Valedictorian of her class.

What was funny the rest of the day?

Well, I don't know that anyone else would find it humorous, but I thought it was funny.
A door was opened for me to have a spiritual conversation with someone in my office that is currently not in church and that is doing some searching in her life. We were talking about heaven and hell and the realities of them both, which she is very aware of. Somehow, we began discussing how a church here in town does Judgment House and I told her it would be a neat thing to take her 12 year old son to and she would probably enjoy it too.

Someone who is involved with that works in my office and in the process of this whole thing, I have been recruited to be in it this year, which is pretty cool. I asked her if they were using the guy that played Jesus the first year I went. I don't know what Jesus looks like, but this guy looked like him. He was just awesome! He truly gave me a very small taste of what it would be like the first time we see Jesus face to face. I left there bawling. It's still something that is forever etched in my heart.

Since there have been 3 men playing the part since I've been attending we were just confusing each other. As it would turn out though, one of them is single and she offered to fix me up with him.

I respectfully declined.


Can you imagine dating Jesus? Or even more, marrying Jesus? How do you argue with Jesus? You couldn't even use the line "What would Jesus do?" (Well, honey, I'll tell you what I would do.)

In no time half the office was in this with one-liners that were so funny my stomach was hurting by the time my break ended.

The newest joke around my office now is that if they can't even get me to date Jesus, they're never going to find anyone good enough.

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