
Friday, February 15, 2008

Jobs I'm Not Qualified For

Of course yesterday was Valentine's Day and since the senior adults are the only romantic people in our church, they had a banquet and all of us who should have been out celebrating, were waiting tables for them. That's right....ME, waiting tables. Oh the thought. Of course it caused quite a stir for some people who expressed it was worth coming just to behold that sight. What can I say? I'm all about pleasing people. Anyway, the banquet went well and since we had more volunteers than people in attendance I didn't have to do a lot. We also happened to be the loudest table in the place....imagine that!

Tomorrow will be a day for the record books. We're having a children's activity day at church and I'll be helping with that. Again, I'm not sure how I end up in the middle of activity days for children since I don't have any of my own, but I'll be there. We're eating spaghetti for dinner (which all moms know is the cleanest meal you can give children) and then letting them watch a movie. I may not have children of my own, but I do know the messes they create so I've already removed the song books and the cushions from the pews and place plastic tableclothes under them. However, I know that it was a law defying action since we know that somewhere in this large sea of plastic tableclothes, there will be a small crack that one child's soda will find to seep through and ruin the carpet causing a hurried organization of a committee to decide what we should do about the stain. Don't you just love Baptists? And don't Baptists just love committees? After all, it was a committe who planned this whole blessed event.

The little one (a.k.a. Pal) has an eye infection. Now, I'm not sure how this is possible, but it happens to be the most disgusting thing I've ever seen but I still can't keep my hands off of him. This morning he greeted me with that huge smile with the two little teeth on bottom and I had to pick him up. It's really the saddest thing I've seen. The infection is extremely contagious and you have to keep your hands washed when you've been around him, but he's worth the extra effort. The middle one (a.k.a Brother) can't seem to keep his hands off of Pal's face on a normal day so it's been especially difficult keeping him away from the eye so we don't have two little nasty eyed children running around our house. It's amazing because you realize how much you love them when they are going through something like that. I'd take the infection for him. Poor little guy.

I'm just glad he's been cooperative enough to let me wipe it clean so far which has not been the case for everyone else. I'm so not into the whole holding kids down for things. Oh, my heart just aches when a child has to be held down for something. That probably stems from the times when my family wrapped me up in a sheet and held me down to pull my teeth. Yes, I know how horrible that sounds, but you should have been the one in the sheet! I still think there are some serious issues in my life that have been a result of that injustice.

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