
Friday, February 27, 2009

Help, I've fallen and I can't get up......

Well, actually she did. She somehow made it back into the house while everyone was either in the tub or shower.

Mom fell out the back door and broke her foot last night. I received the call just as I had started to dry my hair at the beauty shop. The call itself was pretty interested.

Me: "Hello"

Mom: "Hey I need you to come home and help your dad with the kids because I'm going to the hospital." (Like she's just going for a ride or something.)

I hear my grandmother in the background saying "Tell her WHY you're going to the hospital."

Mom: "Oh, well, I think I broke my foot."

Oh, well, if THAT'S all......

Anyway, so it's safe to say that things have been C-R-A-Z-Y at our house since then.

It was around midnight before she made it home thanks to the quick service at the ER. I mean, it only took them 4 hours to figure out that her foot was broken. Who wouldn't love to sit in an ER for 4 hours while they figure out if you have a broken bone? Isn't that one of the first things you learn in medical school......

"Class, this is a bone. This is a normal bone. This is a broken bone."

Of course that meant that I got school duty this morning for Madyson. Maybe I'm just not as patient as my mother, but I don't believe in reasoning with and trying to give in to a 6 year old's demands. I'm the adult. She's the child. Are there any questions? Good.

We had a meltdown during me brushing her hair, choosing of socks and let's not forget the snack bag. Oh yes, the snack bag. Apparently I know NOTHING about preparing snack. Hey kid, I didn't get this size by not knowing about snacks! Mom writes some type of message on her brown bag with her snack every day and it was COMPLETELY WRONG when I only wrote her name on the bag.

Mom is going to pick up her crutches today. Luckily the medical supply place is near the ABC Beverage store. I told her to go ahead and pick me up a bottle of something. I'm going to need it.

Oh's my new hair color.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Uh, uh, uh, uh...........

"Uh, yes, uh. I, uh, I uh, have some , uh, insurance at your, uh, company and I, uh, would like to uh, speak to someone. Cause see what is going on is, I uh, need to talk to someone because I uh, got this bill, and uh, I uh, need to talk to them about it and uh, I don't really know who, uh, my agent is, but uh I guess I can just talk to you, uh about it and uh.........."

Oh it goes on and on and on and on.

The energizer bunny has NOTHING on the people who call me every day. A receptionist / operator is foreign to them and they just want to ramble to me or anyone at all. Anyone who'll listen to them ramble is absolutely fine.

Nevermind that I have about 6 or 7 other lines ringing while they are , uh, uh, uh, figuring out why the heck they called in the first place.

And we won't EVEN talk about how confusing it is for me because I always think in the beginning I'm talking to the President.

Oh....give me a know it annoys you too that he can't form a sentence without saying "um".

Yesterday was an interesting day.....and yet, pretty dull as I'm thinking of it to tell you about.

But obviously you care, or you wouldn't be reading so here it is.

I battled with feeling very light headed all day and by the end of the day I could barely walk. T and W also pointed out during lunch that I was not acting like myself and I seemed "off." Of course for me that would mean I was acting like a normal person.

I'm fine this morning so I guess my first thought that it was a reaction to a new medication was wrong and I'm not sure what was going on with that.

Because of the way I was feeling I didn't make it to church last night and that means I didn't finish taking photos of the new church. I plan on finishing that today....hopefully. (fingers crossed)

I also want to get some photos of the old church to have before everything is removed and we can remember what things looked like there. I'm still working on my post about that church as well. Keep looking for it!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I was in serious need of a makeover.

The blog that is. If you were thinking that it was me personally that needed the makeover....keep your opinions to

So I've done a lot of tweaking and you may have noticed several different backgrounds on the blog in the last couple of weeks, but I just couldn't find something that was really me and that gave the feeling I wanted the blog to have.

I finally found it!

Now my new problem is that I need a new title for the blog.......and I need YOUR help.

Obviously the current title is "singing, saved, single and searching"

Feel free to leave your suggestion in the comment section below this post or you may email them to me.

I am considering a prize for the individual who comes up with a new title for me.


New Church Photos.....

I stopped by and took some pics of the new church last night to share with you all. Please excuse the mess that may appear in some of the pics. There are still a few little things to be done before the BIG DAY.

This is the foyer.

Of course it would be weird for me to take a pic of a sink in the bathroom in the foyer because who does that? Not me. Even though I think they're really cool looking. I still would NEVER do that!

The sanctuary.

Fellowship Hall


Choir Room

Whew......and that's not even half of it......

I'll do more pics another day.....I'll try to get pics of the classrooms up this week.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

One picture....

I will sum up the way I felt yesterday afternoon in one picture.

I guess Luke felt the same way.

Tickle-Me-Tuesday - Edition 1

I thought for your viewing pleasure I would put a little something funny up each Tuesday for you to watch. I received this video this morning from a friend. Hilarious!

And THAT is why babies have mothers!

Monday, February 23, 2009



That's the word for my weekend. Yes, I was able to move everything I could possibly move on Saturday to the new church. YAY!!!

No, sorry, I didn't get pics like I promised. I'm not quite finished with everything as far as organization and placement goes, but as soon as I am, I'll get some pics up.

It looks as if we are going to have the first service March 15. Our last service in the current church is March 8. It kind of makes me sad. I'll miss the old church. I am working on a post about the old church. It'll be up in a couple days....maybe. (fingers crossed)

I must admit though that moving wasn't as bad as it could have been. I loaded the backseat of my car three times and put things in the room in piles. Tammy asked if I wanted to go get some Mexican and I'm not one to turn down food, so I ate with her. When I returned B (the pastor) had organized all my books onto the shelves in my room. How awesome was that?!?!? Thanks a lot!!!

My friend up at the bakery knew I had kind of a rough weekend and had a surprise waiting for me when we arrived for lunch. He brought my sweet tea out in a cup he designed for me.

How awesome is that??!!??!!

In case you're wondering, it says "sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy"

And doesn't a little John Denver make us all happy?

Thanks Will!

I don't want to throw it away!

And how weird is it that I'm blogging about styrofoam cups? If that isn't a testimony of how dull my life is, nothing will be. Amen and hallelujah.

The choir practiced some more for some upcoming services and once again knocked me off my feet. The first song we practiced was literally nearly perfect on the first run through. I hate to sound so shocked, but I really was.

How awesome is it that they were able to do that?

I just suddenly realized that I've used the phrase "How awesome is that" three times in this post and I'm seriously considering renaming the title of this post......seriously.

Ok, that's it for now. I'm going to put some diet coke in the new cup!

Friday, February 20, 2009

If I can't read anymore I guess I'll do other things with my time.....

Well, I finished the book yesterday. I have to admit that I feel like you do when your boyfriend breaks up with you and you weren't ready to let go yet. I know it sounds pathetic, but when I really like a book I become EXTREMELY attached to the characters. I'm just not ready to be finished with them. I want more books Stephenie do us wrong by only writing 4 of these books!!!


Before my unhealthy obsession alarms you, let me assure you that I have been up to other things. I finally finished a couple of upcoming projects for the choir including Easter and a 5th Sunday Night Singing. We started practicing last Sunday night and they are doing an awesome job already! Very comforting to me and I haven't had a nervous breakdown or an OCD flare up. Those are always good things.

I have also been planning a vacation for the family. FINALLY! After 4 years of begging to go looks like we are making a trip to the happiest place on earth.

That's right..............DISNEY WORLD! Woo Hoo!

Luke is SO excited to be seeing Mickey Mouse for the first time. Madyson is excited about the princesses of course, but she's not so much into the costumed characters. We discovered this during her first trip to Magic Kingdom when she nearly took Briar Rabbit's head off trying to get away from him. And we won't EVEN discuss the 1 hour wait to see the Mouse, whom she refused to take a picture with. Luckily, we have a beautiful picture of my 6'3" 25 year old (at the time) brother with the mouse to commemorate the moment.

One more exciting thing going on is what I'm doing on Saturday. I'm FINALLY going to move the music stuff to the new church. I'm really excited about this because it makes it seems real. We're actually going to be in the new church.....SOON. I'll try to take some pics after I get everything moved over.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I am weak but He is strong.....

*** Originally posted on my blog from myspace on October 7, 2008 ***

Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong."I Corinthians 1:26-27

When read this verse tagged at the end of another blog this morning all I could say was "WOW!" I can't tell you how many times I've read through and studied Corinthians and I can't tell you why this scripture has never jumped out on me. That's something I just love about God's Word. Each time you read it, you receive something new. It's not just another book like many would like for you to believe. It contains power and guidance and encouragement.

Encouragement is something I always need. I'm an emotionally needy person.


I said it.

I have a WHOLE lot of issues emotionally. Yet, despite my downfalls and shortcomings, God is still able to use me as long as I allow Him to.

Just like these verses say, I am definitely not of noble birth, nor am I influential. I am weak and foolish and this scripture tells me that God still chooses the weak to shame the strong. I am still useful to Him.

You are too!

Be willing to be used by Him.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Help, I'm reading and I can't put it down.....

Sorry for the absence from the blog and all, but I've reverted back to my teenage years.

This is what I've been doing lately.

And this......

And this......

And this is what I'm doing now......

I realize that I'm late in getting into this game, but oh good grief. I'm trying very hard not to topple over the edge.....but it may just happen. I find myself giggling with another co-worker about Jacob and Edward. We've agreed to disagree.

Team Edward all the way!

Anyway, blogging will resume in approximately 500 pages.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Love, Love, Love.......

Well, I need to say that first of all, I'm not a fan of the Valentines Day. Very commercial.....and how romantic is it to get flowers on a day when EVERYONE else is getting them too? Maybe it's my need to stand out from a crowd, but I would much rather receive them on a day when no one else is.

I said that just to point out the fact that I haven't been sucked into this whole thing and the fact that my post today is about love is completely coincidental.

*****If you know what book I'm reading and you don't want it spoiled.....SPOILER ALERT.....don't continue reading*******

I recently read a book where the character was separated from the person she loved. For months she felt as though she couldn't breathe. She was literally in physical pain and couldn't function because of the loss. I found myself breathing heavy and my heart just aching as I read this book. Why? Because I know what that feels like. I know what it's like to love someone so much and not be able to be with them. I know what it feels like to have the breath sucked out of your body and think you won't be able to get out of bed and function that day.

I remember reading through almost 600 pages just begging for the two of them to be together again. I couldn't read it fast enough because I just KNEW they had to be together.

Eventually, the two characters are reunited and swear that nothing will keep them apart again. When I finished the book, I was exhausted......and SO relieved. (I also couldn't believe I cared so much about two fictional characters.....but I'll discuss that with a therapist and not you kind people.)

Last night, I began thinking about the fact that as deep as we can love, we can never even scrape the surface of the love that God has for us. It's amazing to me to realize the kind of love I have experienced before and to realize that it was imperfect. I'll never achieve the type of perfect love my Father has for me.

As gut wrenching as it is to be separated from someone you love, it is even worse on Him when we distance ourselves from Him. While we can never be permanently separated from Him, if we are a child of God, we can walk from a distance and that breaks His heart. His desire is to have us as close to Him as we can possibly be.

When I think of the ultimate act of love in the most selfless way it could have ever been expressed, which was the sacrifice of His Son for my sins, I never want to hurt Him or make Him feel pain from being separated from one you love. I don't want to walk so far away from Him that He aches for my return to the closeness I could have to Him.

Remember that as you continue in your relationship with the One who loves you more than anyone on this earth could ever compare to, He aches when you are far away and rejoices when you are near. Walk as closely to Him as you possibly can.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The's working thanks to my friends.

So, I'm on day 4 of my new found excitement for exercising. I'm still getting up at 5 a.m. Although, I must admit, this morning was SO hard. I really wanted to roll over and go back to sleep.

I'm also really trying to cut back on the calorie intake. I've done pretty well. Only 2 slip ups...but I'm still proud.

I must give a special shout out to the wonderful friends who have encouraged me by mocking me with their reminders that while I was up running or walking, they were still in bed....sleeping.

The greatest source of encouragement came in the form of a gift a great friend at work left for me on my desk with a note that said "Happy Valentine's Day....early."

And you know me. I'm not one to hurt anyone's feelings...especially about a gift.

So I ate it.

Don't judge me.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Be careful watching's dangerous.

I feel the need to share this story with everyone I see and know because, well, it's just funny.

My sister-in-law, J, has a job working in a call center for a new casino in a nearby town. She books hotel reservations and also takes maintenance calls from anyone staying in the rooms. Please note that I said this hotel is NEW. There shouldn't be many maintenance issues.

Last week J received a call from a lady who informed her that while she and her husband were watching t.v., their headboard fell off the wall. J is a married lady and knew better to believe they were simply watching t.v.

Her suspicions were confirmed when the lady requested that no one be sent up to repair the headboard until morning because she didn't feel like getting up and getting dressed.


I'm not sayin'.....I'm just sayin'.

Also let me update you on my running progress. Today, my legs feel like I laid down in the road and someone ran over them from the knees down. I'm not sure how I can be in so much pain and still feel as good as I do, but that's the story today.

I've been up since 5 a.m. and I can't think of a clever title.

Well, another weekend is behind us and I'm ready to get this week started. I woke up at 5 a.m. this morning (No, that's NOT a typo) and started running again. I took a short, ahem, break from it and I've been dying to start again. I'll keep you posted if I'm still dying to go next Monday or just dying.

I feel that I can't go on without making note of something I saw on the Grammys last night. Before I address the issue, I want to make it perfectly clear that I realize I've never been pregnant and don't know half of the issues with clothing as a pregant woman. However, I have watched my sister-in-law deal with maternity clothes 3 times and she never once left the house looking like this.

If you ever feel like your only two options for maternity wear are the above or a tarp, go with the tarp. Always go with the tarp.


I also need to take a moment and express how excited I was that Jennifer Hudson won a grammy for best R & B album. Girl can SANG!!

Also, could someone please explain to me the appeal of this man.

I mean, really. I don't get it.

I also don't get Taylor Swift singing with Miley Cyrus. Usually Taylor does a decent job, but last night was just awful. I blame Miley.

In other news, the choir is growing and I'm really excited about that. We are getting ready for the first service in our new church, a 5th Sunday Night Singing and Easter. The next few months will be busy for us, but God always rewards the efforts of His people and I'm excited to see how everything turns out.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Send me to my room.....

So, I've been a terrible blogger. To be exact, I haven't published a post on this blog since September. A lot has happened and the blog needs a total overhaul, which I plan to make happen.

I could blame my lack of commitment to my blog to lack of time or a multitude of other things, but the truth is, I'm just lazy. I'm posted blogs on myspace very regularly, but I do intend to make the blogging thing happen exclusively on here now.

Sorry to the tens of you who pretend to care about what I have to say anyway.

Real Love

One of my favorite stories in the Bible is a story of love. Most of the time when you refer to a love story in the Bible you automatically think of Jacob and Rachel. Yeah, that was love....working for 14 years to marry someone. I think of love in a totally different way though. Before marriage it's easy to be caught up in a fantasy of feelings and so maybe it wasn't so hard for Jacob to work 14 years to marry Rachel.

The story of Hosea and Gomer is a real picture of love to me. After marrying Hosea and bearing his children, Gomer decides to return to her old life. For those unfamiliar with the story, Gomer was a prositute.

I can't imagine the hurt and disappointment Hosea must have felt. I'm also sure that it wasn't an easy choice to make, but in the ultimate act of love, Hosea bought his wife back. He showed her that his commitment to her was sound.

I love the parallel of this story to the story of our own lives and the love that Jesus extends to us. Even when we're tempted, and sometimes actually return to sinful lifestyles, he still loves us. He has bought us....paid a price. We are His. He is committed to us even when we aren't committed to Him. Even when we want to turn our back and run the other way.

It's hard to resist someone who shows unconditional love in it's purest form to us. We may resist at first, but there's something about that love that we can't keep ignoring. I'm so grateful for that love that He continues to extend to me without change, even when I'm not as faithful as I need to be.