
Monday, May 4, 2009

When Night Falls

Don't you just love a good prom theme?

I received a call on Friday night from my aunt asking me to drive my youngest cousin to a high school prom. She is part of the television production crew at her high school and was asked to film the prom. Since I'm such a HUGE sucker, I agreed.

On our ride to Pensacola, I asked T where she wanted to eat. In typical teenager fashion, she shrugged her shoulders and said, "I dunno." I then began quizzing her on places she would or would not like to eat, which led to one of the funniest things I have heard in a while.

Me: "Have you ever been to a hibachi?"

T: "No....I don't like seafood."

Me: "Um, ok. How do you feel about Japanese though?"

Her first choice was Taco Bell. Because teenagers have such sophisticated palates. We, and by we I mean I, finally decided on Red Robin....which turned out to be a fatal decision. A prom party of 15 decided to eat there as well. When they paged us in we stood there and told three people we were M*** party of 2. However, it seemed the manager was more wrapped up in thinking she had somehow book 2 parties of 15 and was screaming all of this in my ear. In the meantime, they managed to give our table to another party. That may not have upset me half as bad if she hadn't said to me "We couldn't find you."


For those of you who have seen me in person, you know it would be impossible NOT to see me. I'm a pretty good sized girl along with some pretty wild hair and a loud mouth. I'm impossible NOT to see.

After Dining Disaster 2009, we finally made it to prom.

I was completely underwhelmed by the decorations. I find it extremely hard to believe that in 100s of students and several teacher sponsors, that not one single person has the slightest amount of creativity. I guess good decorating skills to high school kids equals a lot of cardboard stars with your name spelled out in glitter and lots of balloons.


I'm not sure I've ever been in a room with so much polyester and tulle in my life. If one spark had gotten out from the candles, we would have all gone up in flames. I'm sure of it.

I'm also sure that approximately 90% of those in attendance do not own a mirror or they would NOT have left the house. Seriously.

Prom trends this year included a lot of dresses that reminded me of the inside of a coffin and splits up to the hoo hah.

Yes, I hear myself. Yes, I realize how old I'm suddenly starting to sound. (shudder)

I also noticed a certain little faux pas that inspired this week's Fashion Friday, so the trip wasn't a total loss. I know you'll be on your seats for the rest of the week in anticipation. I'm sure of it. I'll give you a hint.....footwear.

I also realized that some of those dance moves are the reason about 25% of those girls were either pregnant or had a child at the lead out. I honestly didn't know the human body could move in some of those ways. Seriously.


I had thought of doing a best and worst dressed list, but they're high school kids. I'll cut them some slack.

I did find myself standing there amused by the fact that they were all so sure this was "THE" most important event EVER. Ahh....high school. I can sum up my feelings on not being there anymore in one word........grateful.

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