So Saturday started with a fun day scheduled for the kids at church. It was raining so hard we had animals lining up two by two in the parking lot. Ok, not really, but it was totally raining so hard that I really thought no one would show up.
Three young children showed up and one of the youth. We let the small ones watch a movie and the big one went over to the youth center and hung out. At lunch we decided that we couldn't disappoint. That's right we broke out the old church van and decided to take them out for pizza. To paint the full picture of the "old church van" I will tell you a couple of things about it. I'm pretty sure it's at least 30 years old. It's so old school it has separate keys for the door and ignition. I'm also pretty sure it is a color blue that has never existed in nature.
Somehow, I was voted as driver. I've never driven this van before.....or anything even comparable in size. After finally getting the thing to crank, I pulled around back to pick the crew up. They had to load up extremely fast because the fumes would have killed them if they hadn't. My seat belt refused to tighten and so I slung it over my shoulder after many failed attempts at making it stay up.
I feel like this would be a good time to say "I'm sorry" to anyone who was behind us during our trip and I may or may not have done something offensive. Please forgive me as I had no way of knowing anyone was behind me. You see, there is no rear view mirror in our van. I also would like to say "I'm sorry" to anyone in front of me that I may or may not have done something offensive to. Please forgive me as our windshield wipers did not work very well and it was raining cats and dogs, causing great difficulty in my viewing the road properly.
So, yeah, we "rewarded" our kids with a ride in the death trap.
Even though only three showed up I really think they had a great time together.
I also acquired a nice little injury on my leg. While trying to quickly exit my car, grab my cell phone, my large diet coke and my keys all while running to escape the rain, I hit my leg on the car door and did this.
Since Old Navy was having a sale on flip-flops this Saturday, I decided to take a little trip and stock up. Of course, by the time I made it there, the walls were bare. It looked as if people thought these would be the last flip flops ever to be produced. Since I was already there, I figured I shouldn't waste the trip and I totally enjoyed my alone time. I'm also very proud to say that I kept the spending to a bare minimum. Yay me!
I did spend a huge amount of time looking around town for a new stroller for the little monster. His big bro's old stroller finally bit the dust and we are in desperate need of a new one. I don't want some huge awkward stroller, but I HATE umbrella strollers WITH A PASSION. I'm looking for something in between that won't break the bank. Mission still not accomplished. I'll be doing some online research today and hopefully we'll have a new one soon.
In between the kid day at church and my trip to Pensacola, I went grocery shopping at the store I hate with a passion. Wal-Mart. While I was in there I thought I'd grab a couple of preschool books to encourage Luke to fine tune his skills, which he has no interest in doing. Whatsoever. At. All.
I told him he could either do preschool at home like Madyson did or I would drop him off at preschool every morning. With absolutely no fear in his voice he looked up at me and said, "I double dog dare you."
Sunday was a very typical day at church and I'm very excited that we will be seeing three ministries combined next Sunday. We are combining choir, children's choir and VBS next Sunday morning. Our choir will be singing a VBS song while the children's choir does motions and sings as well. I'm SO excited!
Yesterday was without a doubt the most wasted day....EVER.
I planned on having a productive day. Back in February when mom broke her foot, all pool maintenance ceased. We now have a green mess on our hands. Every couple of years, we drain it and do a nice scrub down anyway, so I thought I would do that yesterday.
I woke up bright and early ready to take the big project on and accomplish as much as possible. (Thanks Julian Michaels for the extra energy!) It actually just turned out to be the day that wouldn't end.
The pump, which had not been turned on in a while, needed some repairs so we decided to just manually drain the pool. Thanks to my brother we had it draining at great speed. I began crawling around the deck and scrubbing the sides as far as I could reach. This left my knees feeling much like they did on day 1 of the shred if Julian had required us to crawl around on a scorching deck with nothing between the deck and our knees. Why didn't I just get in the pool? Green water=I can't see my feet=I'm not getting in=It's just gross and it's green and I'm not getting IN that water.
The pump was finally fixed which led to The Great Debate 2009. Should we allow it to continue draining manually or use the pump, which would make it faster. Using the pump also meant filling it back up enough to a certain point in order to prime the pump. So we had basically drained it to fill it back up only to find it was still not as fixed as they thought.
In a was a wasted day.
Nothing accomplished.
At all.
Except those sides cleaned which will probably be gross again today.
We'll start the draining process all over again this afternoon.
You know, if it doesn't rain for the 40th day in a row.
In the middle of the annoying event of draining the pool we had my grandmother there instructing us on our every. single. move.
To give you some insight on what type of person my grandmother is, think of Marie from Everybody Loves Raymond. Got it? Good.
Now I want you to imagine Marie as an overbearing, over emotional hypochondriac. On Steroids. Times twelve and a half.
Yeah. And unfortunately it's not as funny as a sitcom either.
Anyway, we had all had our fill and were about to lose our cool when there was a wasp attack. Now this wasp couldn't just sting anyone out there. OH NO! He HAD to sting her. Great.
In the middle of the great wasp sting 2009....Madyson kind of freaked out and said she was going inside since she was allergic to wasps. This was followed by a reaction from a grown-up that was similar to reactions I've heard from a 3 year old.
Madyson: I'm going inside. I'm allergic to wasps.
G-ma: No you are not.
Madyson: Yes, I am.
G-ma: Are not.
Me: Yes, she is.
G-ma: (Feeling as if a little of the spotlight had shifted from her for 3.45 seconds) Well, I'm allergic to children.
Me: Thinking, Oh please have a good comeback Madyson.
Madyson: Well, I'm allergic to English. (Which is my grandmother's last name.)
Me: Well done. Well done. Not bad for a 6 year old.
Now, please don't take all of that the wrong way. I love my grandmother. She's my grandmother. But we ALL have those relatives that really know how to get under our skin. I just like to keep things open and honest here.
I hope you all had a great weekend filled with pleasant little old lady grandmas, no rain and algae free pools. Oh yeah, and vans that are in working order.
Last night ended on a beautiful note at our house. I can't imagine Noah experiencing a more beautiful rainbow. And we had 2 rainbows! Awesome!
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