
Friday, May 1, 2009

How now brown cow.....

I have always had a thing for black. If there was an article of clothing I wanted and there were 10 colors to choose from....I was choosing black. In fact, I have an entire closet of nothing but black clothes. What's not to love? It's slimming. It goes with everything. It always looks classic.

I must admit my new obsession though. I'm starting to buy A LOT more brown. Brown is not a color I was very fond of in the past, but now I can't seem to get enough of it. I love it when it's paired with turquoise or pink.

I also happen to love brown when it's paired with black. Yes, black. This has been the topic of conversation for me on two occasions recently and I feel like it needs to be addressed. Both times, the other person was in complete shock that I was dare suggest black and brown could be worn together. Yes, my friend, they CAN be worn together.

I know that for years we were told NOT to pair these two....but times have changed and we know better now. I'll bet you've also been told not to wear white after Labor Day and we all know that's an outdated rule as well. I also recommend that you look at nature and animals to find cool color combinations. After all, those things are God's creations. Who are we to tell God he messed up on the cheetah and leopard?

Here are a few examples of black and brown working together.

Although, I HATE the bag in the last pic. But you get the idea right?

I also LOVE this belt.

The trick is keeping the brown a dark, rich shade like a chocolate brown. And don't forget khaki. Honestly, I know I joked about the leopard before, but it IS a really good place to look for your shades of brown that work well.

Now, before ending this post I feel like I MUST address this horrible thing that keeps popping up. The jumpsuit. WHO? WHAT? WHERE? WHY? Haven't we ALREADY experienced the bubble romper thing once? Why would we do this to ourselves.......AGAIN? I already have enough pictures from my past of me in the one piece yuckiness and I refuse to go through that again.

Now, if you'll excuse me. I think I just vomited in my mouth a little.

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