
Monday, May 18, 2009

VBS - 2 Weeks

It's that time again. Our church will be starting VBS two weeks from tonight. It's always a lot of work and we're usually dragging by the end of the week. This will be my fourth VBS at Zion Hill. My second working with the music. I taught a class the first two. No matter how much work or how tiring it has been, I can honestly say that God has blessed me each year. I'm trying not to focus on the negative. I'm looking forward to what God is going to do this year. I'm going to look for ways to minister and ways that God is going to bless me through the children we will be working with.

This is the post I wrote last year after VBS. It's amazing to see how God can use a child to teach us great lessons. I'm still working on that boldness I saw in Holly.

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