
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rain, Rain Go Away

It's raining.


Actually, let me correct myself. It's storming.

This morning I decided to do a load of laundry before I left the house. That's when I noticed that only a trickle of water was coming out of the washing machine. *Fingers crossed the washer is just not working.*

Go ahead and uncross the fingers because there is no water. Anywhere. At any faucet in the house. Period.

I go into immediate panic mode any time there is no water or electricity because, well, I do. There's a VERY good reason God allowed me to be born in the time he did. I totally know why Nellie Olsen was such a snot. She had no running water or electricity. I can imagine it took much longer to put those ringlets in her hair without electricity.

Anyway, since we do also have the option of city water I didn't go into full blown panic mode....just like 80%. It's not like I always wake up late and find myself on a VERY tight schedule when getting ready in the mornings.

Anyway, since my mom has a broken foot and all and I know nothing about nothing outside, we were unable to turn on the city water. (How country do you have to be to have "city water".) This meant a trip to my grandparents to take a shower.

Actually, what it meant was I should have just gone back to bed and called in sick. It would have totally been believable since I left work sick yesterday.

Being at home sick means your mother making you go to bed. I caught up on some of my favorite shows in between the many trips to the bathroom .....I know. That's just EXACTLY what you wanted to know about me. Trust me....I didn't enjoy throwing everything back up that I had eaten since I was 6 1/2 either. anyone else as disturbed over the hour long advertisements for attracting pedophiles masquerading as reality shows called "Little Miss Perfect" and "Toddlers and Tiaras" as I am?

I just can't imagine why you would advertise your 5 year old daughter dressed to look like she's 16 on national television. It's extremely creepy. Let me say though that I'm not totally against all of these kids and parents. Some of these young girls genuinely enjoy doing this. It's a hobby to them like dance, ballet or sports. I'm ok with that.....still creeped out....but totally understanding.

I do have a big problem with some of the moms. These women are horrible. It's so obvious they are making their children do this in order to live their dreams through their daughters....sick people. They say their daughters LOVE doing this and WANT to do it, but you see them on pageant day forcing their daughters into their dresses and telling them exactly what to do.

I'll be honest.....I've wanted to smack a couple of the mothers in the back of the head for their children. Disgusting.

I love Chelsea Handler's opinion of the show. She pretty much hits the nail on the head. Please forgive the one *word* in this video. She just describes it all so accurately.

Even Nellie Olsen would have thought some of these moms were off the radar with their nastiness.

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