
Friday, February 29, 2008

Still Singing

So, it's been a while since I've written. Between the measles, eye infections, viral infections and baby shots it's been kind of crazy at our house. Everyone is still kind of yucky feeling but doing much better. I'm still willing myself not to be sick. I've kind of had a sore throat and stuffy/runny nose. I refuse to get sick. Winter is almost over and I will NOT be sick.

I'm feeling better about the Easter cantata as the weeks go by. We're doing "Lion of Judah, Calvary's Lamb" by none other than Travis Cottrell. (wild applause) I love the songs in it but they've somewhat kicked my behind since this is the first actual cantata I've done all alone. I had help at Christmas. After only about 10 meltdowns and four weeks until Easter, I think I'm doing well.

Some ladies from our church are attending an Extraordinary Women's Conferance in April. I'm so excited because two of my favorite people will be there...Chonda Pierce and Mandisa. Oh yes, that's right I'm finally going to get to see Mandisa in person. Don't worry, I'll give a full account of this blessed event after it's over.

On other musical notes, not church related I might add, I'm going to see Alan Jackson tomorrow night. I'm not sure what kind of reaction this will cause, but it's actually my first secular concert. It's not that I don't care for secular music, I've just been involved in a music ministry since I was 13 and all my time has been devoted to that. But last month my boss bought us tickets and so I'm going. It should be interesting. Lucky Kerrie, she gets to experience my first concert with me. I'll be sure to give a full account on Monday.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

He Just Had To Go There

Well, it's no secret that I am somewhat OCD and it has especially taken over since I became the music minister. I kind of had a meltdown Sunday night when only 6 people showed up for choir practice. Yes, that's right.....6.

I understand that Sunday night was plagued by the flu, bad weather and travel for others. Sunday night's attendance didn't irritate me so much as the last two months of low attendance that did.

Our choir has apparantly not gotten adjusted to me and the fact that I want to learn at least one new song each week or at the very least pull something we haven't done in a long time. For so long they sang the same three or four tired songs and well, frankly, I was sick of it.

So since the low attendance from Sunday I've just tried to overcome the fact that I was upset and not be offended, but the truth is, I was. I just dealt with emotions all week that ranged from self-doubt to anger. I had resolved by Tuesday night to drop it and move on. In a moment of anger I declared "Fine. They want to sing the same songs over and over. Fine. We'll sing Standing on the Solid Rock and Somebody Loves Me Sunday. Fine. They don't care. I don't either. That's just FINE!"

Last night as I was working on the children's music and I had gotten over my anger Bryan (the pastor) asked me what the choir was singing Sunday since we obviously hadn't been able to practice anything for Sunday. Before I could answer he said, "Well, I've pulled some songs that the choir is familiar enough with to not have to practice."

Yep, that's right. Sitting there was "Somebody Loves Me" and "Standing On the Solid Rock". Now, there just aren't any appropriate words for me to express how angry seeing those songs made me. I felt like recreating the scene from Troop Beverly Hills where Shelly Long throws her husbands clothes out the window and the guy blowing the leaves just continues to blow them in a pile. If only we would have had a leaf blower and an open window in Bryan's office, those songs would have bit the dust.

Can't you just imagine the blessings that will be received from those songs on Sunday? No doubt everyone in the congregation will be blessed by the attitude with which I will lead the choir while presenting these songs for worship. I can just feel the Spirit descending now can't you?

Yes, I'm back to praying for deliverance and forgiveness.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

No Regrets....

I realize that Madyson, Luke and Benjamin aren't in fact my own children but I still feel that they are such a large part of my life that I don't want to have any regrets with them. Last night I had every intention to go home and clean every inch of my bathroom not because it needs cleaning or anything, but just because I was curious if there was indeed a countertop under all the piles of hair products.

Instead I spent the afternoon with this guy.

And this guy.

And this girl.

I realized last week just how fast they do grow. It seems like yesterday that Madyson was born. I still remember every single detail of her birth and she's starting school in August! It's just too much to deal with. I had a bit of a depressing afternoon on Friday because it dawned on me that in a few months we would be taking her on the trip to go shopping for school clothes. Not only is Madyson 5, but Luke is 3 and Ben is already 6 months. I have resolved that the dust bunnies can wait, the floor doesn't have to be mopped daily and if the clothes aren't folded, who cares? Those things will still be there in just a short while when all three are catching the bus and suddenly there is no one home during the day and they will all be busy doing homework or talking on the phone with their friends in the afternoons when I get home from work. Right now, I'm one of their best friends and they choose to play with and talk to me and I like that.

Luke and I watched cartoons last night while he ate chocolate ice cream. I told him Thomas was coming on next and since it didn't come on as quickly as he felt it should have he looked at me and asked "Is this a joke?" HA HA HA! I don't know what made that so funny but it was. I think Luke is the funniest kid in the world anyway.

We also have discovered the most fun thing in the house to play with.

Apparantly the thought of a clothespin pinching your little fingers or toes will induce shrieks for as long as you have the energy to chase them with it, which isn't a long chase for me.

I know, I'm a sick, twisted adult to do such things to little children but they love it.

Spend the afternoon with your kids...they won't be little forever.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Hymns - The Way We'd Sing Them If We Were Honest

I Surrender Some
There Shall Be Sprinkles of Blessings
Fill My Spoon, Lord
Oh, How I Like Jesus
He's Quite a Bit to Me
I Love to Talk About Telling the Story
Take My Life and Let Me Be
It Is My Secret What God Can Do
There Is Scattered Cloudiness in My Soul Today
Where He Leads Me, I Will Consider Following
Just As I Pretend to Be
When the Saints Go Sneaking In
Sit Up, Sit Up for Jesus
A Comfy Mattress Is Our God
Self-Esteem to the World, The Lord Is Come
Oh, for a Couple of Tongues to Sing
Amazing Grace, How Interesting the Sound
Go Tell It on the Speed Bump
Special, Special, Special
Lord, Keep Us Loosely Connected to Your Word
Praise God From Whom All Affirmations Flow
My Hope Is Built on Nothing Much
O, God, Our Enabler in Ages Past
I Lay My Inappropriate Behavior on Jesus
Pillow of Ages, Fluffed for Me
All Hail the Influence of Jesus' Name!
When Peace, Like a Trickle
I'm Fairly Certain that My Redeemer Lives
We Give Thee but Still Think We Own
What an Acquaintance We Have in Jesus
My Faith Looks Around for Thee
Joyful, Joyful We Think Thee Pretty Good
Blessed Hunch
Above Average Is Thy Faithfulness
We Are Milling Around in the Light of God
Spirit of the Living God, Fall Somewhere Near Me
Blest Be the Tie that Doesn't Cramp My Style
Sweet Five Minutes of Prayer

Jobs I'm Not Qualified For

Of course yesterday was Valentine's Day and since the senior adults are the only romantic people in our church, they had a banquet and all of us who should have been out celebrating, were waiting tables for them. That's right....ME, waiting tables. Oh the thought. Of course it caused quite a stir for some people who expressed it was worth coming just to behold that sight. What can I say? I'm all about pleasing people. Anyway, the banquet went well and since we had more volunteers than people in attendance I didn't have to do a lot. We also happened to be the loudest table in the place....imagine that!

Tomorrow will be a day for the record books. We're having a children's activity day at church and I'll be helping with that. Again, I'm not sure how I end up in the middle of activity days for children since I don't have any of my own, but I'll be there. We're eating spaghetti for dinner (which all moms know is the cleanest meal you can give children) and then letting them watch a movie. I may not have children of my own, but I do know the messes they create so I've already removed the song books and the cushions from the pews and place plastic tableclothes under them. However, I know that it was a law defying action since we know that somewhere in this large sea of plastic tableclothes, there will be a small crack that one child's soda will find to seep through and ruin the carpet causing a hurried organization of a committee to decide what we should do about the stain. Don't you just love Baptists? And don't Baptists just love committees? After all, it was a committe who planned this whole blessed event.

The little one (a.k.a. Pal) has an eye infection. Now, I'm not sure how this is possible, but it happens to be the most disgusting thing I've ever seen but I still can't keep my hands off of him. This morning he greeted me with that huge smile with the two little teeth on bottom and I had to pick him up. It's really the saddest thing I've seen. The infection is extremely contagious and you have to keep your hands washed when you've been around him, but he's worth the extra effort. The middle one (a.k.a Brother) can't seem to keep his hands off of Pal's face on a normal day so it's been especially difficult keeping him away from the eye so we don't have two little nasty eyed children running around our house. It's amazing because you realize how much you love them when they are going through something like that. I'd take the infection for him. Poor little guy.

I'm just glad he's been cooperative enough to let me wipe it clean so far which has not been the case for everyone else. I'm so not into the whole holding kids down for things. Oh, my heart just aches when a child has to be held down for something. That probably stems from the times when my family wrapped me up in a sheet and held me down to pull my teeth. Yes, I know how horrible that sounds, but you should have been the one in the sheet! I still think there are some serious issues in my life that have been a result of that injustice.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


It's been a while since my last post and plenty has happened. Nothing worthy of mentioning mind you, but I'll do it anyway.

I have for some time now been addicted to diet coke. It's my poison of choice. I know all the bad things people say about it and I'll try to cut back but when I experience a headache that makes my eyes feel like they may at any moment pop out of my head, I give in to the beast and drink one. I guess it's true that the three most addictive things are cocaine, niccotine and caffeine. So in my effort to not completely kick the habit, but cut back to help my diet and to lose a little weight, I set off on a search for a tasty and healthy drink. I am now a full blown addict of FUZE. Now I don't know if you've experienced this liquid wonder, but let me tell you it's just heaven in a bottle. Here's the best part...if you buy the slenderize ones, there's just 10 calories and only 1 carb, and NO sugar! Can you believe it? I just know next week I'll probably start growing some enormous mass on the side of my head or something because if something seems to good to be true, it is. So until then I'll just keep drinking them.

To continue my list of addictions, let's talk about ebay. Listen, I thought I had finally kicked the habit after a much too long list of things I had bought. Mostly clothes for Madyson. (Which is an entirely other addiction within itself) Well, I blame the children's clothing industry. It is nearly impossible to find cute clothes that are age appropriate for my 5 year old niece so I'm back on ebay....again. There's just something exhilerating about winning an auction and paying more for the item of clothing than if I had purchased it a store....but I WON! That's all that matters right? And then I pay a rediculously high amount for shipping only to receive it and wonder what the heck was I thinking paying that kind of money for something that she'll wear only once. Of course I never pay the kind of money for my own clothes that I spend on hers because she won't outgrow her's in six months and I will. Here's a few pictures of today's loot.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Chocolate and Baseball

This has to be the most devastating news I've heard. I mean it's one of those things you just wish people would keep to themselves. Nothing says I love you like chocolate filled with bug parts, hair and cat hair. I guess the good Lord was telling me that I didn't need that box of Godivas I've been craving all day. As sad as it is, I'm sure I'll forget all about this report and by next week I'll be making up for lost time.

I've said for quite some time that I do not need children of my own and this morning was certainly proof of that. When Madyson woke up, and like every other morning curled up under a blanket on the couch, she looked up at me and asked "Nunni, do you like baseball?" I told her I did and she said, "Well, I dreamed about you and baseball last night." I don't know why that struck me as funny, but it did. I left her there to further rot her brain on such nonsense as "The Wiggles" and "Higglytown Heroes" while I dressed for work. After the third trip to respond to her shouts to me I informed her not to call my name again unless she was bleeding or on fire. I guess it was a matter of life and death when she called me again to tell me "Mulan" is coming on t.v. tonight. Guess what I'm doing tonight?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I Prayed For A Sign...

Okay, I know I've blogged once today, but I just had to put a comment about this on here. If you know me, you know I've been praying for God to tell me it's okay not to exercise and that it's bad for me. Today the heavens opened and a hallelujah chorus rang out. Okay, well, maybe it didn't happen quite like that, but I did find this. How great is this? Not one reason not to go to the gym, but 6. Count them, SIX.

Well, the first one says to cover any scrapes or cuts with a band aid and recommends that you not shave before going to the gym. Well, as if getting a date isn't hard enough for an irresistable Christian girl like myself, why don't I just show up to the gym looking like cousin it. Yes, the sight of me in work out clothes should be enough to send even the most desperate man running for his life, but add to that the fact that I've not shaved in a couple of days....well, let's just say I won't be plagued with the awful decision of just what restaurant I'm in the mood to eat at.

Number 3 recommends you clean the equipment before and after use. The thought of cleaning the equipment before and AFTER I use it just made me laugh out loud. I mean come on. I clean enough at home and call me mean or whatever, I'm just not going to clean the equipment for someone else when I'm done. I brought my rag and lysol in there and they can do the same.

Numbers 2, 4 and 5 are just plain nasty and disturbing in so many ways I won't even go into them.

The last one...well, just refer to the above mentioned appearance in work out clothes. Do you think I'm going to walk around with nothing on?

I've just concluded that there are too many risks and at the young age of 23 I just can't risk my health. Please spread the word....the gym will kill you. I've said it all along people.

Super Tuesday

Well, being the political junky that I am, days like today should thrill me. I just don't have a candidate in mind though that makes me want to write home about. Is this the place our country has made it to? Just think of all the lives that have been lost fighting for our freedom so we have this right to vote for our nation's leader, and now we have no one worthy of our votes. I've heard the phrase "the lesser of two evils" until I could just scream. I mean, it's still evil. Evil is evil no matter how you look at it. The bottom line is, it's a decision that I hope everyone makes after a lot of prayer.

On to other earth shattering events. What's up with temperatures in the 70s? It's February! That's it. I'm moving to North Dakota.

Okay, so anyone who knows me knows that I have just become the biggest Travis Cottrell fan since becoming the music minister. (That's right, not a music minster, but the music minster...HA HA) Anyway, through reading his blog I found the hilarious pod cast that is the Big Boo Cast. Can I just say that these two need their own show? I want to be on the Big Boo Cast. I'm having flash backs to junior high when you see the little click that you want to be a part of. I want to be a part of the insanity that is BigMama and BooMama. You ladies rock!

Monday, February 4, 2008


I'm a receptionist for an insurance company and a real estate company. The real estate company rents apartments and this lady came in to pay her rent this afternoon and needed to ask a question. Just like a great number of the tenants, she can't speak English. So I found myself shouting really loud at her until it dawned on me that no matter how loud I am, she still can't speak or understand English. Do you ever do that? I guess I could compare that to shouting at a blind man and having him reply, "Hey I can hear, I just can't see." I don't know.