So, where was I?
Well, on Friday, February 4 I celebrated a good friend's birthday at lunch and headed out to Mobile. I had a couple things I needed to do while there. My main goal for the trip was to visit the Disney Store and pick up some things for our upcoming Disney trip. After a few more errands in the mall, I was going to head over to the hospital to visit a friend who had surgery.
I never made it to any of my stops because this happened:

I had made up my mind when it started raining hard again that I was going to turn around and try the trip again the next day. However, before I could make it to the next exit I hydroplaned going 70mph and landed with the back of my car in a tree.
Everyone keeps asking how scared I was. Yes, it unnerved me, but I wasn't just scared out of my mind. I was praying so hard I didn't have time to be very afraid I don't think. I think it had a lot to do with the Lord protecting me and keeping me calm. Mostly, I just wanted it to be over. It's one of those things that happened so fast and yet felt like it just wouldn't end. I think my biggest problem was that I wasn't in control of the situation. Have I mentioned before that I'm a control freak?? I am.
When it was over I called my mom and these were my exact words, "Hey. I just had a wreck and it's really bad. My legs are hurt. I gotta go. I need to call 911."
Yeah. Not my finest moment of word composure. I left my poor mother thinking I was paralyzed or my legs were missing or something.
I was in a ditch with water up over my ankles. I remember thinking when I opened my door what a dumb decision it had been not to wear my rain boots that day. Who thinks about what shoes they're wearing at a moment like that? Me.
I had a brief moment where I thought I had lost some of my vision but then finally realized I had lost my glasses in the crash. When I finally made it to dry ground I remember just standing there looking at my car and turning around and having a moment with God. I knew I was so very blessed to have walked out of that car. I was grateful to be alive and well and even more grateful that no one else was involved.
A lot of the details after that are a little foggy. I'm not sure if I've tried to block them out or if I went into some mild shock.
The next day and every day that has followed since I've just been overwhelmingly grateful.
I've been told that where I left the road it doesn't seem possible that I didn't hit the tree head on. I've been told that I was within an inch of hitting the gas tank (which was full) and my car exploding. I've been told that it's unbelievable I didn't have any very serious injuries or that my neck didn't snap.
I've told all of these people that it's not so unbelievable when you realize what an awesome God I serve. I don't know why He chose to bless me and why everyone is not so fortunate. I do know that He has a plan for me and that He's not finished with me yet or He wouldn't have spared me. As long as there is breath in us, we have an opportunity to serve Him.
I can also honestly say that I'm grateful it all happened as strange as that sounds. I can't even count how many people it's opened a door to tell about God's goodness to. It's opened doors with people that I had never had an opportunity with before and they listened.
I heard someone say several weeks back that the reason we aren't truly willing to give ourselves completely to God and His service is because we're not willing to accept all that He may require of us. I'm that person. I don't like being uncomfortable. I don't like being outside of my routine. I believe God wanted me to share Him with some people and since I was unwilling to fully cooperate, He took things in His own hands.
I hope and pray that I have learned from this and never forget to tell others of the goodness of God.
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