Today you are two years old. That's unbelievable. You should still be that enormous baby the nurses brought out. I still remember them unrolling your from your blanket and we all gasped. You were HUGE! HUGE! You had little rolls all over....but you were the cutest little thing. Who would have known that little 8 lb 0.5 oz baby would have brought so much excitement? And excitement it has been.....along with some mischief, wild antics and just plain craziness.
To put it're wild. You walk in the room and you let it be known that you are present. I wonder where you get that from? ;-) I worried when you were born that the bond Madyson and Luke had with each other would make you vulnerable to their plots against you. HA! They run in fear of you. You take nothing from no one. I think you're still getting even from all the pokes and prods you received from your first meeting with them.
You are without a doubt the funniest little kid I've ever known. You make me laugh daily. For that, I'm so grateful you are in my life. You're also bossy and impatient. If you didn't have that little finger to point, I'm not sure you could talk.
It breaks my heart sometimes to think that you're the last of the babies.....and today you're no longer a baby. You're a toddler. Even though it's sad that you're not a baby, I'm excited to see the little boy you are becoming. I love you more each and every day.
I love you Buford!

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