
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

VBS - Day 2

We had a great time last night! The turnout wasn't bad either.

Today we are praying for the other workers in VBS including Mission teacher, Kitchen workers, Outside activity planners and Music Teachers.

It is very important to have a good attitude and show love toward the students even though you are not their teacher. One bad experience can put a bad taste in the mouth of a child. We want them to see Christ's love in our lives. I'm praying that we all show it to them.

Here's a little peak at a few of the students from last night.

Well, actually this little guy wasn't a student. This is Little B. He is the son of our Youth Minister. How cute was he with his little VBS shirt?!?!

Can I tell you something about our youth and our 5th & 6th grade students? No? Well, I'm going to tell you anyway. They were so AWESOME to work with last night. I've seen groups within these age ranges that stand there and just look at you like you're a nut, ahem . Not this year. We were blessed with a couple of leaders in each group that got into things and because they were enjoying it, the rest of the group followed. That's exactly what we need. We need some kids and soon to be young adults that are leaders by nature that don't mind serving Christ. They did my heart a world of good. These two groups also won the spirit stick. They rocked it during music!!!

This is tonight's song. I love, love, love the music this year. I just love the tone of praise and adoration of an almighty God that it has.

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