Last night could have been a little dangerous because we had no adult supervision. It was just the three of us. I was in serious need of some girl time and they are the only people who understands and appreciates the humor in sitting around quoting Madea. It's seriously funny people. You should try it.
Brittany has developed quite the social life and I had to be caught up. She kind of did things like me. She stayed quiet and calm for a while and then.....BAM! She blew up and now I can't keep up. I felt totally out of the loop. It was also such a refreshing change of pace to talk about someone other than myself. I liked giving her the third degree and drilling her about every detail.....ha!
Breiah, Breiah, Breiah. It's a tight race between Breiah and Tabitha of who makes me laugh harder. My dream is to get the two of them together and see what happens. Everyone should have a Breiah in their life. I dare you to be around her and not laugh and enjoy yourself. It won't happen.
The last time we got together I may have posted a semi-mean picture of her on Facebook. I took a nice one of her last night though.

She's such a sweetheart, super talented and one of the funniest people I know. Back off guys! I'm not sure there is a nice enough guy for her.
Now, my picture of Brittany may not be as nice. I may have a habit of texting someone else while I'm talking to the person who is with me. I can't just be doing one thing at a time. I need to be doing several things so that's not me trying to be rude, it's just me. Sorry. Brittany on the other hand......well, it took me all night to drag her whole story out because this is what she did all night.

I forgive her though because she shares my love for Madea....and she's my hair twin.
***The shoe voting is still open if you haven't voted yet! It's in the sidebar to the right.***
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