Thursday, September 29, 2011
The votes are in....
Same God, Different Church
After all the drama with my niece and nephews' custody, I was really close to a nervous breakdown. Anyone who has known me for even a short period of time knows I love those kids like they're my own. At the end of last year, I was in a very bad place. I was so heartbroken over everything that was happening and out of nowhere one day I could hear God speaking so clearly to me. He told me to let it go and stop worrying because He's in control. Am I talking to anyone here? Does anyone else hold onto things like I do? I think we all tend to hold onto certain things in our lives because we think we can handle it. The truth is, we usually make a bigger mess than we had when we started. We tend to criticize others for not "letting go and letting God" but we all do that.
At the beginning of the year I really began working on that in my life. There were several areas that I knew I needed to let go of and allow God to work His perfect will in. I can't tell you it was easy. I can't say it happened overnight. I can't even tell you that I liked letting go. I'm a control freak by nature and it wasn't easy at all. I CAN tell you it was SO worth it! A weight that I had carried for so long was lifted. My favorite verse during that time and for this whole year has been Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." It's plain as day and in black and white. He knows what His plans for our life is and He is not going to do anything that will cause harm. He's going to take care of us. He knows when a sparrow falls, surely I am worth so much more to Him. He knows exactly what I need. I have this verse on a plaque in my kitchen window so I am reminded of it everyday.
I began applying this verse to areas of my life, one by one. I began seeing such a difference. It's just unexplainable. One of the areas that I turned completely over to God was my dating life. I told God I was going to focus on making myself a better person and more acceptable as a potential wife and I was going to leave the rest to Him. He knew the desire of my heart and that I wanted a Godly husband. Imagine my surprise when I got a friend request and a message on Facebook back in April from someone that things had just fallen through and never worked out with before. God's timing is always perfect. He knew I wasn't ready before. I was this time and as they say, the rest is history.
The biggest and hardest change has been changing churches. Most of you know I was the music director at Zion Hill for 4 years. I had attended there for 6 years. I was there during some of the hardest times of my life and there are no words to even say how much I love and appreciate everything the members there have done for me. They were honestly my family. Not seeing them every week is just so heartbreaking. I've cried every Sunday since my last week there. The truth is that things will just never be the same.
Sometimes we would have these amazing alter services where everyone was just free to pray for their circumstances or for each other. I loved knowing there was nothing I couldn't share with them that they wouldn't support me in and pray for me about. I could just really feel that God is in the process of doing some great things in that church and I couldn't wait to see it all.
I remember sitting in church with Randy a few weeks ago and just praying that God would show me that this change was going to be ok. I knew it wouldn't be the same, but I needed to know He was still working in my life. The services are very different from what I'm used to. There's nothing at all wrong with that. Different is not bad, it's just different. I know this sounds silly, but I couldn't help but wonder if I'd ever have that moment again where everyone felt free to pray for each other with abandon and without care that anyone else was audience to the moment.
Fast forward to last week. I got a text from Randy saying our Sunday School teacher was moving. I loved the Sunday School teacher. He was so real and I love real people. Honestly? My first reaction was "Really, God? Seriously?" He gently reminded me that He is still in control and there was something He was working on. Patience is not an area I'm strongest in. Randy has an emotion chart he uses in counseling and he pointed to one of the little girls on it one day with the caption Impatient and said "Look, it's you." Bless his heart. At least he knows what he's getting into.
Sitting in Sunday School this past Sunday God showed up and showed me that things were going to be ok. Just because the surroundings are different and the people are different, He's still the same. The teacher shared with the class how the move came to be and how God worked things out so perfectly that they just knew it was Him. This is when I nearly fell out of my chair. The verse that God had laid on his heart was Jeremiah 29:11.
At another table was the wife of one of Randy's friends. We had gone to their house before and to be honest, it wasn't one of my best first impression moments. I was tired, grouchy and having an overwhelming day. I remember leaving and thinking that they all probably hated me and wasn't sure if they were going to be people I clicked with or not. I don't do well with new people in the beginning. Every insecurity I have usually floats to the surface and I can find about 6-29 more before the end of a meeting, depending on the length of time we are together. All of that changed Sunday morning though. She asked the teacher if he minded her taking time to pray for him and his family. She had no idea how much I needed to know that there were going to be people like that in my new church too. I began to bawl as she prayed. All I could do was thank God that He is in control and even when big changes come our way, He's going to still take care of us.
I'm sure that I've done a very poor job of putting into words the way God spoke to me this week and the way He has comforted me. I'm also sure I may sound offensive when I say what I'm about to say, but please don't take it the wrong way. So many of my friends and family have sympathized with me and listened to me when I was so upset about leaving Zion Hill. I'm trying to do things the way I feel that God expects me to do them. I'm trying to find ways to please God as Randy's future wife and as a Christian. One of those areas is my church. Randy will be the spiritual head and leader of our home. It doesn't make me less important. We will have different roles in our marriage. That's how God designed it. Please don't look at me like I have two heads and nine eyes when I say that in response to your question of why he doesn't change churches. Yes, I am sad about leaving my family at Zion Hill, but please don't ask me why he doesn't change churches. I'm doing what I feel God expects me to do and I know that God always honors obedience. He's already showing me that He's going to take care of those areas in my life that I'm unsure of. I'm definitely where I'm supposed to be.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Everybody's doing it!
Last year in October my cousin, Gerry, married his beautiful bride, Kaitlyn.
This November (52 days from now to be exact) I will be marrying Randy.
Next October, my brother, Robert, will be marrying Starla.
In June of 2013, my favorite couple in the whole wide world will be getting married. I think I squealed more over Tabitha's engagement to James than I did my own. Well, maybe not, but it was close. Randy and I don't believe for a second they will make it to 2013, but we'll see. I can't wait for this wedding!
That's four of the five first cousins getting married within just a couple years of each other. Insane! I joked for such a long time that the reason I wasn't married yet was because I was waiting on Tabitha to grow up so we could have a double wedding. I didn't miss it by much!
Let me throw one more in there for good measure. The wedding we attended a couple weeks ago was Randy's first cousin.

It's wedding mania around here! If you're not married/engaged, do it. Everyone else is!
***Don't forget to vote on the veil in the ride sidebar! Thanks everyone!!***
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
To veil or not to veil
I didn't completely waste my time. I have been in a dilemma for a while now. I can't decide whether to wear a veil or not for the wedding and if I do, short or long? I love, love, love a long veil, especially with a mermaid style dress (Spoiler alert *** My dress is a mermaid style). I am just unsure whether a veil would look ok for the venue.
Is a veil even necessary? I have a pearl and rhinestone headband to wear that day. I'm going to do another vote. You helped with the shoes so I'm going to take your advice for the veil. I promise that this is the last thing for my ensemble that is undecided. Everything else is done.
These are the two favorite veils that I've found. The short one has rhinestones and the long one is plain without any embellishments. Or should I not wear one at all? The voting is in the right sidebar like I did with the shoes. Thanks for your help!
The voting will be open until Thursday!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
A little bit of everything and a whole lot of nothing.
My weekend didn't turn out exactly like I planned. I did get dressed Saturday and I didn't sit around eating Nutella out of the jar. I heard about a lot of yard sales in the Milton area and since we had not been in a while, we set out on a bargain hunt. I didn't find a whole lot but I did get a brand new set of Satin Hands by Mary Kay, a new punch bowl set, a pair of Gap jeans, a sweater, a pair of Dockers khakis and a pair of crocs for Luke for around $15 so it was a pretty productive day I guess.
We made it home around 2:00 and I went to Randy's to watch the Alabama game. After weeks of watching a red tv, Randy decided that Saturday was the day for a new one. I must admit it was way past time. After an interesting dinner that I'll spare the details of (1 waitress for about 10 tables of can imagine), we found ourselves in Wal-Mart. This was one of those experiences that opened my eyes to the different ways we approach things. We are both thoughtful about big purchases but the difference is that I will research something to death online and then either order it or go in the store pick it up and leave and Randy likes to spend 3 hours in Wal-Mart. If he was trying to make me hate tv in hopes of never having to watch Real Housewives, it was a close call. He was about 15 minutes from it to be exact. The whole experience made me wonder what the process of naming our children will be like and it sent me to a scary place that I just can't revisit until that time comes. The funny thing is though, when it was all said and done, there's no one else I would have spent more than 30 minutes looking at tvs with. Love will do strange things to you.
We spent Sunday afternoon putting the tv stand together and setting up the tv. We assembled everything without a fight and without any problems. This has to be a good sign.
We also found ourselves at the school unloading pumpkins for their fundraiser. I told you love would do strange things to you. I have to admit that the dorky side of me came out during that time. I LOVE carving pumpkins so I'm looking forward to getting some pumpkins for our first carving experience together. Unloading two truckloads of pumpkins is something you'll never do at an insurance office!
There was truly nothing eventful at all about the weekend. Strangely though, it was the best weekends I've had in a long time. I love those laid back days. I do have a God moment to share one day this week about something going on but I'm going to get my thoughts together before I pound all that out. I'm so glad God shows up in our lives when we need Him the most!
Friday, September 23, 2011
I love a good bargain.
I decided to stick to doing everything black and white. I like it because it's classy and chic. Last week I placed an order for our napkins only to receive an email telling me that the black napkins were on backorder....yada yada yada. Seriously? Backordered napkins? Not wanting to risk having to run out the day of the wedding to buy napkins and receive 200 napkins with our names on them the day AFTER the wedding, I cancelled the order and started my search again. I have always loved anything monogrammed and I've seen a lot of napkins in various stores with a "J" already on them but they're always black and ivory...not white. I loved this style though. (Side note: Have I already typed two paragraphs about napkins? God help me.)
Anyway, I totally lucked up today. FINALLY something good happened with the wedding plans. I found black and white napkins in the pattern I wanted. That's not the best part. They were $0.60 a pack. That's 60 CENTS y'all!

I also found some acrylic goblets (wine glasses) on the same site for $1.55! How insane is that? These are the same glasses I found in a store in Monroeville and I wanted for the wedding but they were all out of J's. They are beautiful in person and I didn't even realize they were acrylic in the store until I picked them up.
After I placed my order, I realized they had some acrylic tumblers with a J on them as well for $1.55 and I'm regretting not ordering those now for our everyday glasses. Oh well.
I just had to share the site with all of you in case you like a good deal too. The site is . Let me know what kind of deals you find!!
Freedom, The Office and Perms
Speaking of watching tv. Andy is the new boss on The Office! WHAT? I was totally pulling for Dwight but I'm ok with Andy being the boss. My favorite line of the night came from Andy. "What does Robert California think of Andy? Don't know, super care." HA! I also can't even tell you how excited I am that Pam and Jim are having another baby. Pam and Jim are my all time favorite tv couple.....ever. I like them better than some real couples I know to be honest.
I wasn't able to watch The Office until around 9:30 last night because I was busy putting a perm in Tabitha's hair.
She's going to kill me for this picture. Tabitha, just remember that I love you enough to put off the new season of The Office for 90 minutes! If that's not love, I don't know what is!
Thanks to everyone who voted on the shoes. It was close but it looks like the black flower shoes win! YAY! I have wedding shoes now. I will be ordering those today!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Girl Night
Last night could have been a little dangerous because we had no adult supervision. It was just the three of us. I was in serious need of some girl time and they are the only people who understands and appreciates the humor in sitting around quoting Madea. It's seriously funny people. You should try it.
Brittany has developed quite the social life and I had to be caught up. She kind of did things like me. She stayed quiet and calm for a while and then.....BAM! She blew up and now I can't keep up. I felt totally out of the loop. It was also such a refreshing change of pace to talk about someone other than myself. I liked giving her the third degree and drilling her about every detail.....ha!
Breiah, Breiah, Breiah. It's a tight race between Breiah and Tabitha of who makes me laugh harder. My dream is to get the two of them together and see what happens. Everyone should have a Breiah in their life. I dare you to be around her and not laugh and enjoy yourself. It won't happen.
The last time we got together I may have posted a semi-mean picture of her on Facebook. I took a nice one of her last night though.

She's such a sweetheart, super talented and one of the funniest people I know. Back off guys! I'm not sure there is a nice enough guy for her.
Now, my picture of Brittany may not be as nice. I may have a habit of texting someone else while I'm talking to the person who is with me. I can't just be doing one thing at a time. I need to be doing several things so that's not me trying to be rude, it's just me. Sorry. Brittany on the other hand......well, it took me all night to drag her whole story out because this is what she did all night.

I forgive her though because she shares my love for Madea....and she's my hair twin.
***The shoe voting is still open if you haven't voted yet! It's in the sidebar to the right.***
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
It's actually pretty funny to think about how he and I fought like cats and dogs growing up and couldn't stand the sight of each other. He's been the one to help me with most of the wedding stuff. He's also the one who will be giving me away. We went over his wardrobe last night. Thank God for his girlfriend. We were in a heated discussion because he was having a moment where he thought he could channel Johnny Cash and wear a black shirt with his black suit. Thankfully, I had another person on my team. Interestingly enough, he is horrible at selecting his own wardrobe, but he does a pretty good job at helping me to pick out an outfit.
I now have everything I need to wear to the wedding except my shoes. For some reason I simply cannot commit to a pair of shoes. I love, love, love heels. I always have. I am not much of a white shoe wearer, so I'm not really going in that direction for some reason. I have found a couple pair I would consider, but I am really leaning in the black direction. The wedding is going to be black and white and I am seriously thinking I'd love to find a really cute pair of black heels. My dress is very simple and plain for my usual taste in things so I want a pair of shoes that reflect my usual taste and style. That being said, no one is going to see the shoes, but I'll know. I'm looking for some help now. Please vote and help me decide on my shoes.

#1 - Black Flower

#3 - Black Rhinestone
The poll for voting is in the sidebar to the right of the blog. I would really appreciate your opinions! Thanks!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Weekend Recap
After that it was on to the wedding. Randy's cousin got married and he was a groomsman. It was a beautiful wedding. The location was beautiful as well and we were able to stay there overnight. I wish I had been a better blogger and taken pictures.
Sunday morning we headed home. I think we were on the road for about 8 hours or more. This included two stops on the way home. We stopped to see another friend of Randy's. She was such a sweet person and I hate we didn't get to stay longer to visit. It's too bad she lives so far away. After that, we stopped by Randy's parents' house. They are so excited about the wedding. Bless their hearts. I've decided to find them a new hobby. I don't know what to do with someone fluttering all around me. I'm used to being ignored in my family....ha.
We finally made it back to Randy's around 8:30 last night. I made it to my house around 9:30. I am exhausted today! That was a whole lot of traveling!
I am also going to have to get my behind kicked back into shape. There was some really good food over the weekend and we all know that if food is good, it's not good for you....ha! My feet will be hitting the road this afternoon for at least 4 miles of walking.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Out of the mouths of.............the elderly
I have to be honest about something. I'm very reserved, even uptight in some people's opinions. I have been a little taken back by the fact that just because I'm engaged that makes people think they have the right to talk about my future sex life. I instantly tense up and change the subject as quickly as possible when that happens. I'm a private person and I just don't want to go there with people.
Imagine my surprise that the person who brings that up more than anyone else is not my best friend, but my grandmother. Seriously? I mean, come on!
If I live to be 100, I will never forget her response when I told her I was engaged. The first thing she said to me was, "You know you don't like people in your space and for people to touch you. You know he's going to touch you don't you?" Um, yeah. That's the plan.
Monday we had engagement pictures taken and when I showed her one of the pictures she said "Oh I don't like that one. He's giving you a 'come here baby' look." My brother responded "I hope so!"
Can we just talk about how weird that moment was? I am officially done even referencing Randy in my grandmother's presence. I can't keep having these moments with her.
Oh, and here is the picture in question. That was not my first thought when I looked at this picture but I'll certainly never be able to look at it the same again.

Thursday, September 15, 2011
Please tell me I'm not becoming THAT bride....
I do hate to start irritating people so I think I'm going to start throwing my ideas and questions out on here. It will also be good to have something to look back on when Randy finally puts me away in the nuthouse. There will be no question why when I look on here and see how obsessed I was over the decision of whether to stick to classic black and white for everything or to throw some of my signature pink in there. You can also go along for the ride of making my own bouquet with a friend of mine who says we can make it cheaper than the bargain price of $600 that I found it for online. Who wants to tackle the decision of to wear a veil or not? I have no idea. I'll try to spare you for a week or two on the process of finding shoes. I seriously think I'm obsessing over the shoes more than I did on the dress if that's even possible at all.
Yes, I need to be medicated. Aren't you glad I'm marrying someone with a degree in counseling? Me too. I'm sure he would appreciate you sending prayers up now on his behalf. :)
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
As you have all noticed I'm sure, I've been MIA since March. In April, I met a wonderful man named Randy. We really seemed to click and the whole time we were dating I held my breath and just hoped and prayed he felt the same way I did. Imagine my surprise when he proposed only 3 months after we started dating! Happy doesn't begin to describe my feelings! I won't disclose too much about him because he may not be as open about his business being on a blog as I am. We will see about that! I will show you a picture of us though.
The other thing that has changed is that as of August 31 of this year, I am no longer a music director. With the upcoming marriage will be a change of churches. This has been a HUGE adjustment for me. After the wedding in November, I will also be moving to a different town.
With so much going on and my head spinning from all the excitement I thought there would be no better place to keep a record of everything than on here. This has always been my little sanctuary and safe place to vent and say whatever I needed. I'm sure I'll have plenty to say in the next couple of months! Hang in there with me!
I also want to remind you that if you follow the blog or have it saved in your favorites, the address has changed to .
I won't tell a lie.
Check back for upcoming changes, announcements and the occasional rant. ;)