Friday, January 28, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
I can't believe she's 8!!! I can't believe it. Does anyone know how to slow time down?
We had a Rapunzel party which thrilled my heart because I realize the princess loving days are limited and that makes me sad. The thought of her growing up is exciting, scary and sad. I can't believe she's not that little baby with the "umbrella" ponytail on top of her head with the huge bow in it.
Like her aunt, she loves a good excuse for theme dressing. A princess party required a tutu and crown on the shirt.
Bless her heart. She really needs to work on coming out of her shell a little more. She's much too introverted.
There was cake...
and a sweet baby boy who was exhausted by it all.
On the day of her actual birthday we had a small cake for her. This is the best pic I could get of her Pop and her. They share the same birthday so Pop gets overlooked in the chaos sometimes.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Things to do in 2011
1) Batting Cage - When I told my brother this one a couple of days ago, he laughed. I specifically remember going to batting cages on several occasions and being really good at it. Now, I have to go and take him as a witness that I can totally hit a ball. In fact, I can hit as many as the machine throws at me. Bring it.
2) Ski Ball or Arcade games in general, but especially ski ball - I haven't played since I was probably 10. The kids ate at Pizza Planet in Hollywood Studios on our last trip to Disney and played a quick game before heading back out to the park. It took everything in me not to push them aside and play myself. I love that game.
3) Miniature Golf - I haven't played since 2009. At one time, I was pretty good at it. I'm sure I stink by now after all this time.
4) Bowling - I think the last time I went bowling was on a date. Anyone who knows me doesn't need me to fill in that blank. It's been a LONG while.
5) Whiffle Ball game - The last time I played was at Christmas or Easter a couple years ago at my grandmother's house. The whole family played and I really want to play again.
6) Play Kickball - I haven't played since I was about 13 at church. That may have also been around the time that while we were running around one Sunday after church, my nose made contact with a friend's forehead. I went home that day with blood all over my dress and a really messed up nose. Now that I think about it, that could have been the end of my running around and frolicking days.
7) This one is seriously embarrassing, but because I should give you something for reading my nonsense, I'll share. I've never been on a ferris wheel. Ever. Hello. My name is Sunni. I'm 26 years old and I've never ridden a ferris wheel. Sad, I know. (Side note: When I was typing that I seriously had to do some quick math because I could NOT remember if I was 26 or 27. It's going to keep going downhill from here isn't it?)
8) Swim - I can't swim and I really wish I could find someone I trust enough with my life to teach me to swim. Is it more sad that I can't swim or that I've never been on a ferris wheel?
9) Water skiing - I've never actually done this before because, well, see number 8. It really looks like fun though.
10) Badminton - We had a badminton set a LONG time ago and I loved it....even though I was really bad at it.
11) Tennis - My brother used to play pretty regularly with several friends of his. They offered to take me one day and teach me. After 5 minutes, one of them told me to sit down on the side and just look cute because I was unteachable. How rude. I should totally learn to play and then look those guys up and beat them. When did I become so competitive??
12) Board games - I'm a total board game NERD. Honestly, I'm probably just a total nerd. Period. I haven't played a board game that wasn't Lucky Ducks, Chutes and Ladders, Candyland, Toy Story Kerplunk, a LONG time. I would love to have a bunch of people over to play board games.
13) Go Karts - I haven't raced go karts on a track in forever.
My goal for the year is to mark off as many of these off as possible. I'm working on finding joy in little things and just enjoying life.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
...and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. ~Hebrews 13:5
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
My garbage disposal is missing
The truth is, I have no idea if the cat is male or female. I've never looked him/her in the face. I only know the cat is white because that's all I see of it. A white streak. And of course because I'm the queen of originality, I named the it Streak Cat. I know. It doesn't seem so clever to me anymore either.
I cleaned out our refrigerator Monday night. I'm sad to say there were still some Christmas leftovers in there. Don't judge me. After I left a huge mound of food for Streak Cat I thought he/she would surely love me for life. Surely this was the most food he/she had ever seen in their life. Of course, I can only assume this since we've never discussed it or anything. You know what I found last night?
The food.
All of it.
Streak was nowhere to be found. I didn't see him/her dart from under the shed or porch. Of course, because I'm not really an animal lover my first thought was not "I hope Streak is ok." Honestly, my first thought was "Great, now I have all this food in my yard and no one to eat it."
Streak....please come home. I really want that food gone. Now. Actually, yesterday.
I wonder if Streak is still upset with me for leaving a pound cake for him/her that I fell asleep while baking and it baked for a total of 4 1/2 hours. Sure, it was a little "crispy" but that's no reason to boycott my leftovers all together.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
And behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of. ~Genesis 28:15
Monday, January 10, 2011
Weekend Recap
On a trip to Barnes and Noble, I found the first three seasons of "The Nanny" on DVD which thrilled me. It's one of my favorite shows ever. Now I need to find the rest of the seasons. That could be on my to-do list for the week. We also found seasons 1 & 2 of "Perfect Strangers." I always loved Balki Bartokomous. That could be because we both have asked the same question about pink lemonade....where do they get pink lemons?? It's seriously a valid question and one that I don't have an answer to. Could someone buy me a vowel?
Speaking of buying a vowel, we had another family "Wheel of Fortune" tournament and I lost.....again. I think this time was totally unfair too. How is it that I answered every single toss up and all the puzzles but one, and I still didn't make it to the bonus round? I did finally beat my brother at tennis. I beat him bad.
Yesterday was Sunday so I was at church, of course. I'm still not sure in what world it is ok to hear such stirring messages and then go home to watch the mess that was "Real Housewives of Atlanta." I try to back Kim up. I try to like her and root for her, but I would have totally put her off that bus. When does enough become enough? She was worse than traveling with six three year olds hyped up on pixie sticks and chocolate milk. That was a trip I wouldn't want to be a part of. I also have no idea why everyone thinks Phaedra made up "sip and see." That is a real party to have after you have a baby. That just goes to prove that they are not all actually from the South originally if they haven't heard of it.
"Watch What Happens Live" was like a late Christmas present for me. Regina King and Jackee Harry. Anyone remember "227"? Why am I stuck on old shows? Anyone else notice the trend that I liked shows that had someone with an annoying voice or an accent?
This morning we were one of two offices to open. Our other four offices are closed due to "Wintry Weather." You know you're in the south when that is a reason to shut the town down completely. Of course their closing means more work for the other two offices. I hope your week is starting off better than ours.
Friday, January 7, 2011
The first list of 2011
Ladies and gentlemen, I present a list:
1. After watching the Bachelor Monday night and seeing the girl with fangs and then realizing that they are REAL, my only question was: Who is crazier, the girl with fangs or Brad for keeping her in the running? Why would it ever occur to anyone to keep someone who is so obviously mentally unstable that they would have their teeth shaved into fangs? Men. Who knows what they want anymore, but if it's fangs, count me out.
2. I always get weird looks when I say it would be so perfect to marry a gay man. Think about that for a few minutes. Wouldn't it? Anyway, I'm always told that it's impossible and get over that thought. After watching Toddlers and Tiaras may I present a gay man married to a woman:
I dare you to say he's not. What I joke about apparently is a reality for this couple.
3. When I read this week that Camille Grammar may not be returning to Real Housewives of Beverly Hills I literally said out loud, "YES! THANK YOU!" She is without a doubt in the top three of most annoying housewives along with Danielle from New Jersey and Kelly from New York. Now that Danielle is gone and possibly Camille, can we do something to get rid of Kelly please? It's bad enough she ran off my fave housewife ever (Bethenny), but now I have to watch her again for another season.
4. It really makes my heart happy to see the story of the homeless man go from nothing to a great job and a home. He really does have an awesome voice. I also love more than anything that he acknowledged this knew success is the result of a God given talent.
5. As I'm sitting here writing, my brother and I are having a debate over whether ghosts are/could be real. Of course I don't believe in ghosts, but nothing gives me pleasure like arguing with him about a ridiculous subject. It makes me laugh. I've laughed so much at him tonight that he is accusing me of drinking the wine instead of cooking with it. I didn't. He just doesn't know how much I still love annoying him. It's one of life's simple joys.
6. I'm fully immersed in planning a really exciting trip. More details to follow later.
7. Jiggy is so stinking cute, he makes me briefly consider getting a dog.
8. I wish Modern Family came on every night. Anyone who ever wants to buy me a gift for no reason at all is welcome to buy me Season 1 on DVD.
9. Why are there commercials for period related needs, male "issues", contraceptives and other VERY personal items on tv? When you need those things, don't we all know where to get them and how to handle the situation by now? Why do they always come on tv when you're sitting there with your dad, brother or other person that makes it incredibly awkward?
10. This photo is a little sneak peak of something I'm working on for the blog in the next couple of weeks......stay tuned.
11. Somehow all in one week I've had to buy tires, have my oil changed, new wiper blades and windshield wiper fluid for my car. I'm pretty sure it would have been cheaper to just buy a new car.
12. I've been planning a birthday party for a certain little girl. The theme is Wizards of Waverly Place. This is the first year, with the exception of the year we did a Barney party, that we have not had a princess party. I'd be lying if I said my heart isn't a little sad. This means she's growing up doesn't it?
13. For some reason I just had a moment where everything left my head and I couldn't remember how to spell "lying". Again, I promise I did NOT drink the wine.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible. ~Matthew 19:26
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
When it rains, wear cute boots
I've shared on here before that after my surgery I was told that having children was not something that would ever likely happen to me. This was tough to hear. All of my life I've wanted nothing more than to be a wife and mother. Hearing that one of those things probably won't happen crushed me. It also made me feel like somehow I would never be able to be worthy of being a wife either. I felt broken and useless for a long time after hearing that news.
I had planned everything in my life around those two things happening to me. When I was in high school I argued with so many teachers and the counselor about my decision not to go on and finish college, especially since I already had some of the credits. "No. I'm going to be a wife and mom," I'd reply. "That's all I want."
I went through a period of feeling hopeless and like I had failed myself. How could I have been so stupid? That question haunted me at least a dozen times a day.
There was one thing that kept me going though. Every day I woke up to three little faces that I loved like my very own children. If I had six children tomorrow I firmly believe I wouldn't love them more than I love Madyson, Luke and Ben. It's because of them that I firmly believe giving birth does not make you a mother. What makes you a mother is the daily tasks that come along with having children. I've wiped dirty fingerprints off of every surface under three feet tall in our house, been peed on, pooped on, thrown up on, been awakened by a child standing over my bed in the middle of the night because they had a bad dream, kissed dirty faces, had dirty hand prints left on white shirts and wiped tears away. You see, for seven years I had lived with little ones.
It is no secret to anyone acquainted with our family that my niece and nephews have always had an absent mother. She always had other things to do and more important places to be. This meant my parents and I witnessed all those important little moments that happen in the daily lives of small children.
In the midst of the chaos that I lived in, I realized that my chance at motherhood may never come but God had given me the incredible gift of being involved in the lives of three precious children. Honestly, what more could I ask?
Then tragedy struck. A judge decided to allow their mother to have custody of them and their world as they knew it was literally turned upside down. I will never forget the day I received the news. I literally became so weak I couldn't stand. I called someone in my office to come relieve me at my desk and I left. How I made it home, I don't know. I don't remember much about the drive. I remember walking in and Luke sitting in my lap sobbing. How do you explain to a 7, 5 and 3 year old that there is nothing you can do? I still don't know the answer to that question.
I went through a long length of time that I simply just felt numb. I honestly had no idea how to pray. When I finally did regain my emotions they were everywhere. They were so extreme I'm sure I would have been better off being numb again. I went from anger, sadness, depression, rage, vengeful to any other emotion you can think of. I was a mess. Plain and simple. A mess.
Since September it's been a learning process. We're learning how to deal. We're learning how to face each day with new hope that God will work a miracle.
It hasn't been easy. There is such a flood of emotions. Mostly, I feel guilt. I feel guilty for continuing my days as normal when I know they are most likely dirty, hungry and not taken care of. I feel guilty for going to bed in a warm house and not knowing if they are warm. I feel guilty for laughing or joking when I know their lives are no longer filled with happiness and laughter.
Several months ago, my pastor started something new in our church. Before voicing a prayer request, you have to voice something you're thankful for. Honestly, when he started this I thought "You have no idea buddy, but I have nothing to be thankful for." Just being real here. It's how I felt.
Since then, I have witnessed people in our church that I happen to know their situations and every time I hear them praising God for how He is working in their lives I lose it. I immediately turn into the ugly cry. I don't cry pretty like they do on tv. (Side note: I don't think I do anything pretty now that I think of it.) We all DO have so much to be thankful for. During those times I couldn't pray for lack of words, I would just thank Him for what He was doing in my life. See, sometimes we see the trees and not the forest. We miss the big picture. We miss what He's doing in our lives. I know God is working. He's given me such a peace and I know He has such an awesome plan in line that it's going to blow us all away when we see it all unfold. Until then, we just have to thank Him for working on it. I'm sure you've heard it before, but God's ways are not our ways. His time is not our time. That alone is something to be thankful for. He's better at running my life than I am anyway. I always just make a big mess of it.
How will things work out for them? I don't know. I can honestly say though, that I'm at peace. I pray the three kids are in God's hands and in His protection. I'm also at peace about my own future. I don't know if I'll ever be married but that's ok. I'm learning to be thankful for each season of my life as it comes. If I've learned one thing, it's that God is faithful. He's always there and He's never let me down. He's proven to be trustworthy and I have to let him have my life, my family, my friends and everything else I worry over. I have to let go and let Him handle it.
When storms come our way, we have to keep praising Him. Yesterday I was texting my cousin and she said it was going to rain today but she was glad because she could wear her cute, new rain boots. "I can wear mine too!" I responded.
So, when you know a storm is coming, go ahead and be thankful. We always have SOMETHING to be thankful for.....even if it's new rain boots.
I also wanted to share this video. This song is seriously my testimony. I was fortunate enough to sing it this past Sunday and it spoke to so many, I wanted you all to hear it too.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
I'm going to start a new thing on Tuesday and Thursday each week called "Truth". With so much garbage found out there I think we need to read truth somewhere. I think we all need a little encouragement along the way and to be reminded of the truth that is found in God's Word. I have a book that is called 101 Things God Can't Do by Maisie Sparks. It's short and sweet and I really enjoy the reminders that are found within it. we go.
1. God can't lie.
That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us. ~Hebrews 6:18
Monday, January 3, 2011
New Year, Same Old Cartoon
I'm sure you're waiting for some earth shattering recap of my New Years celebration. If you're waiting for that, you're new here and you know nothing about me.
I fell asleep watching Andy's New Year special on Bravo and woke up around 1:20, went back to bed and woke up around 10 Saturday morning. I know right? It's too much fun to handle being me.
Maybe I'm just no fun, but the whole New Year's thing has always eluded me. I don't get what the big deal is. I just usually wake up and turn my calendar to January and start over with my countdown to
The most fun I had over the weekend was introducing Ben to my favorite childhood cartoon...."Dude Duck"....or as it was always known to me "The Horse." When I was very small my mom taped "Old Yeller" and a Disney special of cartoons. Literally everywhere I went I took that tape with me. If we forgot it at my grandparent's, mom went back to get it. It's so neat to watch the cartoon again with Ben, who incidentally reminds me of Arliss from Old Yeller.
In case you're wondering, yes, I still have my original 25 year old VHS. Yes, I still watch it on occasion. What can I say? I love Donald Duck and there's finally someone else in the family who loves him as much as I do.