Don't you just love getting a new pair of shoes? I DO! What girl doesn't? They look better than the others in your closet, but do you find yourself going back to the "old faithfuls?" They don't look as good as the new pair, but they're broken in and comfortable.

My heart has been very heavy lately about how the church makes people feel. So many people feel like they have to appear beautiful and the new pair of shoes. Wouldn't it be wonderful to just be ourselves? To just let it all hang out. To be the comfortable, old pair of shoes.
The truth is, we all hold a greater resemblance to the old, worn out shoes. We've traveled many miles, been many places, experienced many heartaches and many joys. Wouldn't it be great to let everyone see the soles, or souls, and the inside of the shoe? To truly be ourselves.
Do you ever find yourself wearing an old pair of flip flops that really don't look THAT bad, but if you took them off......people would totally wonder what kind of feet issues you have judging the bottoms of them? No? Just me? Hmmmm......
I have a couple of pair that cause many jokes in my family because they're worn. One pair has a bamboo type bottom and there is literally a hole worn through the bamboo. I don't care. They're my favorite and I still wear them. Of course, no one sees the hole. My family does though because I'm comfortable enough to remove them around them.

As a the family of God, shouldn't we be comfortable enough with each other that we can remove our "shoes" and let everyone see the holes. I have found there is SO much freedom in doing that. I have found that in revealing some of my greatest struggles, others find that they are able to reveal their struggles as well. And you want to know what? You're not alone. You'll find there are others who struggle with the same things.
I recall a time that I was absolutely beside myself trying to deal with an issue from my past. I was so humiliated and didn't know where to turn or what to do. Somehow a conversation started with someone from my church. I couldn't believe it. She had also experienced a similar situation. I found a great friend in that person and right this very moment, she knows more about me than anyone. Why? Because I can say anything and never feel judged. And she has the same freedom with me.
I often wonder how the church would feel knowing as much about their music director as she does. Would they understand? Would they judge? Would they say they've been there too? I don't know. But I hope that soon, the church (and not just the church I attend or you attend.....I mean the whole body of believers) can find freedom enough with each other to take their shoes off.
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