That's the word for my weekend. Yes, I was able to move everything I could possibly move on Saturday to the new church. YAY!!!
No, sorry, I didn't get pics like I promised. I'm not quite finished with everything as far as organization and placement goes, but as soon as I am, I'll get some pics up.
It looks as if we are going to have the first service March 15. Our last service in the current church is March 8. It kind of makes me sad. I'll miss the old church. I am working on a post about the old church. It'll be up in a couple days....maybe. (fingers crossed)
I must admit though that moving wasn't as bad as it could have been. I loaded the backseat of my car three times and put things in the room in piles. Tammy asked if I wanted to go get some Mexican and I'm not one to turn down food, so I ate with her. When I returned B (the pastor) had organized all my books onto the shelves in my room. How awesome was that?!?!? Thanks a lot!!!
My friend up at the bakery knew I had kind of a rough weekend and had a surprise waiting for me when we arrived for lunch. He brought my sweet tea out in a cup he designed for me.
How awesome is that??!!??!!
In case you're wondering, it says "sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy"
And doesn't a little John Denver make us all happy?
Thanks Will!
I don't want to throw it away!
And how weird is it that I'm blogging about styrofoam cups? If that isn't a testimony of how dull my life is, nothing will be. Amen and hallelujah.
The choir practiced some more for some upcoming services and once again knocked me off my feet. The first song we practiced was literally nearly perfect on the first run through. I hate to sound so shocked, but I really was.
How awesome is it that they were able to do that?
I just suddenly realized that I've used the phrase "How awesome is that" three times in this post and I'm seriously considering renaming the title of this post......seriously.
Ok, that's it for now. I'm going to put some diet coke in the new cup!
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