Sunday, April 11, 2010
Vacation.....Part 3
I'll try to have pics up tomorrow of today's events. The big events were meeting Jessie, Buzz and Woody. Ben is still talking about shaking Buzz's hand. He was thrilled out of his mind.
I'm not putting pics up because I'm going to bed. I'm pretty sure my feet are revolting against me.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Vacation.....Day 2
WE'RE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Special thanks to the dragon for being my only reliable subject. FYI: That dragon is made entirely out of Lego's. Cool huh?
Luke chose Lightening McQueen ears.
Madyson chose a Minnie Mouse. For some reason, I have no photo of it yet.
After ear purchasing, a train ride was in order. Because Luke has a personal goal of leaving no train unridden.
I want to point out that no matter what we did Ben, would not wave or look at us as the train drove by. He DID, however wave at the lady operating the train. He's starting early. Lord, help us.
Ben's friend, the train operator.
But, alas, she was not as exciting as Buzz Lightyear or Potato Head.
As excited as he was about the fake Buzz, I can't imagine his reaction to the real Buzz tomorrow. I can't wait for him to see Buzz.
Finally, we had lunch at Rainforest Cafe and headed back for swimming and are about to have dinner. We're headed to bed early in preparation for an early morning.
If we can manage to go to sleep.
To be continued.....
Friday, April 9, 2010
Vacation.....Day 1
My morning began at 6:00. AM.
If I'm going to wake up that early, I need to be productive. I began packing the van for the BIG TRIP.
You may remember me saying we were going to Disney World last year. One broken foot (mom), two surgeries (me and mom) and a custody battle, we finally are on our way this time.
I am actually writing this from the road. We are about half way to Orlando and yes, I am already going out of my mind with three small children in the car. At least two are fighting at all times and yes, I have already threatened to turn this car around. Even though I'm not driving and we are not in a car, we're in a van.
I will be updating about the trip from the blog instead of facebook so be sure to stay tuned for all of the fun we'll be having.
Let me share some of our first pictures. This is us waving goodbye to home and all of our friends and family left behind as we set out on what is sure to be an awesome time as a family. I can't wait to see Ben meet Buzz and Woody, Madyson to meet Jessie and Luke to meet Lightening McQueen.
I promise to bore you with every detail.
Pinky promise.
To be continued....